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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Wiz Khalifa Wiz Khalifa 11/17/13 bought 5mil i went first quick and easy thanks bud mikey121192 mikey121192
Lotisen Lotisen 11/17/13 sold him botted main nice guy ausbear ausbear
LIAMM LIAMM 11/17/13 I got him full void, very good guy Im4everlegit Im4everlegit
Im4everlegit Im4everlegit 11/17/13 Got me full void - thanks! LIAMM LIAMM
bigm0ma bigm0ma 11/17/13 sold him a pin thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/17/13 Bought a Pin, fast smooth easy, ty. bigm0ma bigm0ma
Royal Services Royal Services 11/17/13 fast and trustworthy carlosah13 carlosah13
Mikasa Mikasa 11/17/13 Sold a pin to. Great buyer Ricky Ricky
Dalgleesh Dalgleesh 11/17/13 Very good at what he does. A+++ I went first no scams Laishes Laishes
Probemas Probemas 11/17/13 Really fast and smooth! Great guy!! Got my acc with 28 days of memb :) SjaakBosman SjaakBosman
Emilsvord97 Emilsvord97 11/17/13 Sold fresh level 3 Probemas Probemas
E xpert E xpert 11/17/13 Bought 2m off him, EXCELLENT SELLER! Simon Simon
Simon Simon 11/17/13 Bought 2m EXCELLENT SELLER! E xpert E xpert
zammybunny zammybunny 11/17/13 exchanged gold with this guy pleasent awesome thanks BawsZ BawsZ
GOD GOD 11/17/13 Sold him bond, thanks :) A3R0 A3R0
A3R0 A3R0 11/17/13 brought 1 bond very fast trade GOD GOD
Ricky Ricky 11/17/13 Sold me 1x membership :) Mikasa Mikasa
Deedar Deedar 11/17/13 Bought 28m! tyvm! Zappa Zappa
Zappa Zappa 11/17/13 Sold him 28M OSGP, went quick and smooth! Deedar Deedar
Swizzbeat Swizzbeat 11/17/13 Bought a bond off this guy for 1m LEGIT AF beastlymaul beastlymaul
beastlymaul beastlymaul 11/17/13 Sold him a bond for 1M OSGP, smooth hassle free trade :) Swizzbeat Swizzbeat
BawsZ BawsZ 11/17/13 was fast and easy thanks mate zammybunny zammybunny
Only 2007 Only 2007 11/17/13 swapped 157m with him thanks BawsZ BawsZ
Gilgad Gilgad 11/17/13 sold him an acc fast wish321 wish321
BawsZ BawsZ 11/17/13 Trade was for 1.115b EOC to 92.9m 07. I went first and the trade was quick. A+ LowAndSlow LowAndSlow
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