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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Deez_Nuts Deez_Nuts 11/23/13 Bought 10m off of me, fast transaction! Jeme Jeme
Jeme Jeme 11/23/13 Bought 10m, he went first. Thanks! Deez_Nuts Deez_Nuts
Z3zima Z3zima 11/23/13 bought his 12m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/23/13 Very Very nice person and Legit! sold him 12mil 07! in no time 30 sec.Thanks! Z3zima Z3zima
Drdoug Drdoug 11/23/13 sold my eoc for his 07 he went 1st Kalems Kalems
Kalems Kalems 11/23/13 Good trade, went smoothly Drdoug Drdoug
merch999k merch999k 11/23/13 very trustable +1 partyand partyand
Diclonius Diclonius 11/23/13 Purchased tutorial island off of me, he went first, good guy! Jeme Jeme
Jeme Jeme 11/23/13 Did tutorial island for me. Very quick, thanks! Diclonius Diclonius
BawsZ BawsZ 11/23/13 mm a trade for me +1 wish321 wish321
BawsZ BawsZ 11/23/13 Thanks, mmed a 8M trade fast/easy Dat weed Dat weed
BawsZ BawsZ 11/23/13 Quick, fast, and easy. Excellent Service. Boss Man Boss Man
BawsZ BawsZ 11/23/13 Sold 5m 07 fast and easy :) Fusion Fusion
RahaKaan RahaKaan 11/23/13 bought 3 bonds from me for 07gp, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 11/23/13 Bought 3 bonds! Very fast and reliable!!! RahaKaan RahaKaan
Divica Divica 11/23/13 Bought a voucher, thanks 5+ Renka Renka
Violent Violent 11/23/13 Bought $5 voucher! Trade went quick and smooth! punjabiking punjabiking
Divica Divica 11/23/13 bought 3 bonds, fast as light sn00zz sn00zz
6 9 6 9 11/23/13 scammed one bond - making a dispute DONT TRADE!!!! Kalems Kalems
Trustmybet Trustmybet 11/23/13 Bought Bond Khanz Khanz
Khanz Khanz 11/23/13 Sold him 16.7m via bank transfer! thanks very much :) Divica Divica
Probemas Probemas 11/23/13 Bought 3 more accounts, everything went perfect and in no time! Great person!! SjaakBosman SjaakBosman
A3R0 A3R0 11/23/13 brought 2 bonds i went first went smooth ty willymcsemen willymcsemen
willymcsemen willymcsemen 11/23/13 Sold bonds, thanks :) A3R0 A3R0
Swizzbeat Swizzbeat 11/23/13 sold him a bond nice guy a++ Kalems Kalems
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