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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Cinnamon Cinnamon 11/22/13 Sold him 10m thx ! Volta Volta
Kittens Kittens 11/22/13 bought 5m thanks man <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 11/22/13 Sold him 5mil 07 RSGP via PayPal, Thanks man! Kittens Kittens
Probemas Probemas 11/22/13 Bought level 3. Great dealing with. Rockwings Rockwings
BawsZ BawsZ 11/22/13 Quick and Reliable.. bought 35m. Cheers. g0t dagz gee g0t dagz gee
BawsZ BawsZ 11/22/13 waited even through my massive fail in sending money. Awesome person! kaykmar kaykmar
May May 11/22/13 Sold 30 day membership ty Violent Violent
Violent Violent 11/22/13 TY Mems pin May May
Trustmybet Trustmybet 11/22/13 quick and easy, 10/10 would recommend daveyyy daveyyy
rskingp rskingp 11/22/13 Sold 10M 07, Fast and Easy. Civocks Civocks
Civocks Civocks 11/22/13 bought 10m 07gp from him . fast and smooth , thanks rskingp rskingp
Violent Violent 11/22/13 bought 2 mem pins for 3.5m ea, thanks mang idontbot idontbot
jamesboy27 jamesboy27 11/22/13 He did all to make my fire cape service, but i diclined because im out of cash strbunix strbunix
Pwning Pwning 11/22/13 swapped his 73.2m rs3 into 07 gold Violent Violent
Violent Violent 11/22/13 73.2m rs3 for 6.650m rs07 Pwning Pwning
Trustmybet Trustmybet 11/22/13 bond for 1m. yaboykal yaboykal
HellenWong HellenWong 11/21/13 sold 10m Rs07 gold< great service! Tommyknocker Tommyknocker
Probemas Probemas 11/21/13 Have bought 5 accounts, all good, fast and easy! Credskiz Credskiz
Dalgleesh Dalgleesh 11/21/13 bought gp,ty HellenWong HellenWong
BawsZ BawsZ 11/21/13 Everything went smooth, quick and effective Got my gold after purchase instantly ibot14 ibot14
rusty nickel rusty nickel 11/21/13 Sold him 30m! Fast trade! Thanks :) Lee Lee
Dalgleesh Dalgleesh 11/21/13 took less time than he said. fast, cheap, awesome! will buy another one again! bl00dyhand2 bl00dyhand2
BawsZ BawsZ 11/21/13 Excellent thewookienator thewookienator
Acerd Acerd 11/21/13 Did 3 quests for me. Deedar Deedar
Probemas Probemas 11/21/13 Thanks bought 3 accounts! Meow Meow
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