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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Divica Divica 11/25/13 Sold 50m went smooth and fast Toastedmeat Toastedmeat
BawsZ BawsZ 11/25/13 bought voucher very fast thankyou! Minus Danny Minus Danny
Skrizzly Skrizzly 11/25/13 sold him bulk bots he went first a++ Kalems Kalems
Kalems Kalems 11/25/13 Bought 10+ bonds. Went first. LEGIT! Skrizzly Skrizzly
B2B B2B 11/25/13 bought 10m. Took a bit but o well still good trade bradeN bradeN
Gimp Gimp 11/25/13 Finished MM and pre req's fast and cheap Toastedmeat Toastedmeat
ohhungry ohhungry 11/25/13 bought his 70m fast easy and thanks. BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 11/25/13 Sold 70mill ,thanks ohhungry ohhungry
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 11/25/13 xxx Maldesto Maldesto
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 11/25/13 xxxx Maldesto Maldesto
jordanoio jordanoio 11/25/13 Did a 30/30/30 service for him, he payed first, ALL LEGIT! xLoki xLoki
xLoki xLoki 11/25/13 He trained my attack, str and def. He did it fast and efficiently. I reccomend! jordanoio jordanoio
julzrulz1111 julzrulz1111 11/25/13 A for getting me experiments unlocked unholysymbol unholysymbol
Ricky Ricky 11/25/13 Bought $10 voucher off him, amazing guy very patient A++! :) Primeape Primeape
Primeape Primeape 11/25/13 Sold a VIP voucher to Ricky Ricky
unholysymbol unholysymbol 11/25/13 got him 25 thieving julzrulz1111 julzrulz1111
unholysymbol unholysymbol 11/25/13 did priest in peril, and restless ghost for him julzrulz1111 julzrulz1111
GoldenGates GoldenGates 11/25/13 Helped me get the 14m . Thanks! Love you! :D Trustmybet Trustmybet
Trustmybet Trustmybet 11/25/13 Sold 14m to Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 11/25/13 Bought 14m 07 gp! Thanks! Love yah bud Trustmybet Trustmybet
GoldenGates GoldenGates 11/25/13 Bought 14m Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 11/25/13 Awesome guy did a quest for me! Legit AF huge vouch <3 Swizzbeat Swizzbeat
Dark_Mist Dark_Mist 11/25/13 Sold a voucher to Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 11/25/13 sold me voucher thank you Dark_Mist Dark_Mist
julzrulz1111 julzrulz1111 11/25/13 A unholysymbol unholysymbol
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