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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
badfish badfish 12/09/13 sold him some osbot creditz for te scripts and vips fast and easy a++ BawsZ BawsZ
LivePlUR LivePlUR 12/09/13 Sold him 4acc's. I went first :) Somic Somic
Somic Somic 12/09/13 Sold me 4 Fresh Lvl 3's he went first, Smooth seller! LivePlUR LivePlUR
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 great service, very friendly! I'll definitely be using you in the future! badfish badfish
WYD WYD 12/09/13 sold bond Violent Violent
Somic Somic 12/09/13 Definately a Respected seller, Thanks for the opportunity. mjtuchedyou mjtuchedyou
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 sold 10m! sent me the money within seconds! thanks! L S D L S D
L S D L S D 12/09/13 bought his 10m thnx BawsZ BawsZ
Dylan Dylan 12/09/13 Went first on a $16 voucher trade. Trusted, thanks. Farcast Farcast
Farcast Farcast 12/09/13 sold him $16 voucher A++ Dylan Dylan
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/09/13 good seller A lazy Cat A lazy Cat
Kbots Kbots 12/09/13 sold me 12m 07, smooth and easy. huge vouch for you azzzzz azzzzz
azzzzz azzzzz 12/09/13 Sold him 12M 07gp for $29.40 ty Kbots Kbots
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/09/13 he sexy brought 1 bond A lazy Cat A lazy Cat
Lana Lana 12/09/13 all went well bought this account! =]]] Clarity Clarity
Clarity Clarity 12/09/13 Sold him an account for PP went smoothly thanks! Lana Lana
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 MM'd for me great and trusted! Clarity Clarity
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 MM'ed a trade - PP for account! Thanks so much! Lana Lana
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 Literally got the payment in one minute great deal cmndre cmndre
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 my bad went afk wweraw192 wweraw192
Goku1 Goku1 12/09/13 Great guy. I went first for 10$ gc and he paid. A+++ Mitchy Mitchy
4x400 4x400 12/09/13 Completed Tutorial Island for me on 2 accounts. :) D0NK3Y D0NK3Y
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 ye bought acc from my nigger yoloswag all went G 8soccermad6 8soccermad6
BawsZ BawsZ 12/08/13 bought 6$ osbot credit for 3m, good trade tankerd tankerd
haydenrocks2 haydenrocks2 12/08/13 sold him 20m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
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