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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 We Traded Bonds thank you dude! Bug Bug
Prettybaby Prettybaby 12/10/13 Great buyer sold him 2 bonds had no problem ! Bug Bug
Bug Bug 12/10/13 Great deal, got 2 bonds for a great price. Will buy again. Prettybaby Prettybaby
BawsZ BawsZ 12/10/13 bawz is my number 1 trusted gold traded nenkido nenkido
Somic Somic 12/10/13 bought 4 accs tyvm Deedar Deedar
Deedar Deedar 12/10/13 Sold him 4 acc, i went first. Somic Somic
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 Got vip for a cheap price quick easy done! nenkido nenkido
Somic Somic 12/10/13 bought lvl 3 account from him, all went smooth, thanks :) z1ll3r z1ll3r
z1ll3r z1ll3r 12/10/13 Sold him freshie Somic Somic
Goku1 Goku1 12/10/13 did 6-14 herblore,21-40 mining, and watchtower quest, all went smooth :) z1ll3r z1ll3r
Volta Volta 12/10/13 bought 5m tyvm Deedar Deedar
Deedar Deedar 12/10/13 Sold him 5m, I went first, thanks again Volta Volta
DaBoss DaBoss 12/10/13 Sold bond ty Trustmybet Trustmybet
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/10/13 Sold me a bond, legit dude DaBoss DaBoss
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat 12/10/13 He bought from me Bond went quick thnx! Bug Bug
Bug Bug 12/10/13 Sold him two bonds cheap. ty <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 Bought 2 Bonds went quick thank you! Bug Bug
Bug Bug 12/10/13 Bought a bond from him, thanks! A++ Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Lana Lana 12/10/13 Sold him a bond. thanks man <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 Bought a bond went smoothly I went first! Thanks! Lana Lana
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 Mmed for us trade went quick good! Bug Bug
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 MM'd my trade. A++ Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
D0NK3Y D0NK3Y 12/10/13 bought the range boxer lol. ty Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/10/13 Sold range boxer, went first. Everything went great :) D0NK3Y D0NK3Y
D0NK3Y D0NK3Y 12/10/13 sold him a range boxer good price thanks mateee runebotter runebotter
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