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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
runebotter runebotter 12/10/13 Bought range boxer for 1.65m used mm, everything went smooth. D0NK3Y D0NK3Y
runebotter runebotter 12/10/13 Mmed for him! Thanks for the trust Trustmybet Trustmybet
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/10/13 thanks for mming mate love u runebotter runebotter
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/10/13 MM'd an account deal, everything went smoothly. D0NK3Y D0NK3Y
Trustmybet Trustmybet 12/10/13 Bought bond for 1.2m D0NK3Y D0NK3Y
Divica Divica 12/09/13 Brilliant buyer!!! Highly recommended!!! thewookienator thewookienator
Kyle Kyle 12/09/13 Sold acc, trusted bigm0ma bigm0ma
bigm0ma bigm0ma 12/09/13 VERY FRIENDLY! Nice, easy and smooth. Would def buy/sell to this guy! A+ Kyle Kyle
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 Mm'd $90 trade ty bigm0ma bigm0ma
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 Great MM, easy and fast! Would use again! Kyle Kyle
ultimedown1 ultimedown1 12/09/13 Said he'd do firecape, ended up cleaning out my account for approx 3m in items iliri iliri
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat 12/09/13 MMed a trade for him, nice and patient guy, as we had some techincal issues :) domdom domdom
Excell Excell 12/09/13 bought a $10 voucher for 3.8m A++. Middlemen used. Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat 12/09/13 sold 10$ store credit for 3.8m went smoothly Excell Excell
domdom domdom 12/09/13 MM'd my trade. trusted with 3.8M 07gold tyty A++ Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Divica Divica 12/09/13 bought 1 bond, thanks man:) went smooth kaasje kaasje
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 Sold him 100$ amazon great dude would reccomend working with Amazon Amazon
Divica Divica 12/09/13 Bought 4 Bonds, went first, trade went 100% smooth Numba1bot Numba1bot
Amazon Amazon 12/09/13 bought $100 amazon again thanks fast and easy BawsZ BawsZ
o0sva o0sva 12/09/13 sold him $5.00 voucher he went first was super fast! wish321 wish321
wish321 wish321 12/09/13 bought 5$ voucher, i went first o0sva o0sva
Divica Divica 12/09/13 Traded rs3 for 07gp, Fast and good guy :) strbunix strbunix
strbunix strbunix 12/09/13 swapped his RS3 for my 07, ty :) Divica Divica
BawsZ BawsZ 12/09/13 nice middleman service, will use again! Temponinja Temponinja
iTz EcLiPsE iTz EcLiPsE 12/09/13 Sold freshie. He went first ;) Somic Somic
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