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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Divica Divica 12/12/13 sold me 1 bond for 07gp <3 WYD WYD
haydenrocks2 haydenrocks2 12/12/13 sold him 20m thanks smooth BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/12/13 bought 20m thanks:) haydenrocks2 haydenrocks2
BawsZ BawsZ 12/12/13 Awesome trader bought 3.2m fast trade! Jsmth Jsmth
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/12/13 Awesome MM, friendly, trustworthy! Kyle Kyle
dallas420 dallas420 12/12/13 bought 35day gamecard he went first Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat 12/12/13 sold 35 day in quick and trustworthy dallas420 dallas420
Divica Divica 12/12/13 Great service, so legit, till nex time! Timpeelman Timpeelman
trallmaster trallmaster 12/11/13 Sold him my 20 def pure for $20. Legit! Cinnamon Cinnamon
Sjeiks Sjeiks 12/11/13 sold him a bond fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/11/13 Bought bond 1,4M ++ Sjeiks Sjeiks
BawsZ BawsZ 12/11/13 Excellent Dono2454 Dono2454
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/11/13 Great MM, very reliable and friendly :) will use again Liekabauws Liekabauws
Chief Keef Chief Keef 12/11/13 Quick, fast, and legit :) LoL acc for OSRSGP Liekabauws Liekabauws
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/11/13 DID MM, VERY GOOD A+++ Chief Keef Chief Keef
bigm0ma bigm0ma 12/11/13 bought his 26m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/11/13 Sold 26m smooth transaction! bigm0ma bigm0ma
Divica Divica 12/11/13 ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! thewookienator thewookienator
BawsZ BawsZ 12/11/13 sold him 58m, quick payment. thanks. badfish badfish
Lotisen Lotisen 12/11/13 Sold him 6.5m, went smooth as always, thanks domdom domdom
domdom domdom 12/11/13 Bought 6,5M, went fast! Good seller Lotisen Lotisen
BawsZ BawsZ 12/11/13 Sold 07 gold fast and easy ty Aart1 Aart1
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/11/13 Sold me membership. Very trustworthy! Disboyer Disboyer
blankite blankite 12/11/13 sold him an account 4m 2pac 2pac
Divica Divica 12/11/13 Fast, easy and reliable. Will trade again <3 oXcharlieXo oXcharlieXo
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