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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. I actually just ended up buying it. Clean script but how come when the acc runs out of steel bars to turn into cballs, it doesn't log out? It just stays logged on afk. How do I make it auto-log out once its done? thanks!
  2. I wasn't able to log in to use the trial, may I attempt another? TIA!
  3. Can i get a trial of your smithing please?
  4. Dammit, sorry I missed the trial i didnt get to use it. may i recieve another?
  5. Lets get some work done with this one ! HAHA!
  6. Hello can i have a trial?
  7. Hey OSBot, Title says all, please add my skype if interested or PM in game Skype: iHubbaBubba MAKE SURE YOU ASK FOR PM!
  8. Disputed Member: http://osbot.org/forum/user/76555-hubbalicious/?tab=feedback Why it should be removed: He only did it because I caught him scamming. Details: I filed a report on him scamming, left him a negative FB, and he left me one after. Link to topic: No thread, all was done via PM. http://puu.sh/ldoU7/fd4b444f5b.png
  9. I'm doing this quickly so other people won't get scammed by him since my friend also got scammed by him. I lost 500k DMM. Here are pictures: He then deleted me overtime:
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