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Scripter II
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Fruity last won the day on April 25

Fruity had the most liked content!

About Fruity

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  • Location:
    A Brazilian Orchard
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Dragon Poster (9/10)




Community Answers

  1. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    If I was to add level progression, I'd want to make it monthly tbh, its already unlimited instances for a 1 time price and used by many to max accounts
  2. Mine has been working for around 7 9 years or so , not much comments usually just means nothing is going wrong
  3. The latest client update has a broken method, I have pushed an update (6.31) with a workout whilst the client is updated
  4. Great service provider, almost completed a max cape, would recommend/10
  5. Gives us a quick way of checking the location of the world servers (uk, aus, us east, us west, etc.) good for ping reasons
  6. Got a fix ready, just not got full access to my laptop at the minute to run tests, should have it back in a few days My discord bot has an auto author for this
  7. Almost ready for release now, just waiting to confirm when my current changes go through
  8. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Ill look at adding a patch
  9. Ill check it out when i finish work and see if i can spot anything, this is usually caused by it not finding zulrah for some reason. Are you using stealth or mirror?
  10. The script won’t sell anything so that’s not a problem my discord has a trial bot to request when you’re ready and can get the most out of the time
  11. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Cheers, will have a look
  12. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    My discord bot has a trial command for this stuff, saves me adding it when you're not online and what not
  13. Cheers, will take a look
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