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Trade With Caution
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About Final

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  1. It's explicitly not even his script to give out either. One of the username he wanted me to add was: <HIDDEN> Everyone is either told in Skype chat or shown my thread and told to read the ToS to agree that MY script is MY property, I sell access to it simply and there is a reason for username locks. Also at the time of this sale, I was in fact a Scripter One, if that changes my rights.
  2. Or just be a regular fucking person and use a compatible portable device.
  3. I bulked botting up so much for my personal statement for university, which also got me my first programming gig. Pretty easy how to bulk it up and if your ever asked about it, it's super easy as long as you don't include AI and all that shit, because it's the truth.
  4. Efficiency is linked to ban rate. Possibly the most intellectual thread to have been seen on these forums for a good year or so. not even being sarcastic.
  5. We are dealing with this now.
  6. Anything which @HeyImJamie creates is most likely going to raise your ban rates by 129.5%, if you was to use @Tom's OSFisher, that rise would be significantly decreased to 59%. Of course, the lowest ban rates can be accredited to using Final's scripts, which have fully fledged AI and OSBCL 11, with human mouse precision.
  7. Because the community on here is so proactive for pennies. We expect everything for nothing, script prices are low, service prices are usually close to slavery and people expect you to be online at least 12 hours a day. Majority of the customers in this community think they own you if they pay you 20m for a service, or are even thinking about hiring you.
  8. Interesting, is it possible for me to utilize that in my next neural network feature of my splashing script? An Extremely insightful mathematical formula such as this should not go to waste.
  9. There's people making $50k+ a year from botting or just Runescape in general. I've spoke to people with business degrees, CS degrees and even people already being in a high paying job which made Runescape their job. If you know how the market works and you have particular skills or just a good deal of motivation, you'll easily be able to make a more than livable wage. It's a highly competitive market and anyone who's giving out information for cheap or even for free is most likely not knowledgeable/isn't making remotely close to what they claim, anyone with information on the magic sauce would know how much it actually is.
  10. Final


    Playing games and botting is completely different.
  11. whats ur skype

  12. Well, that backfired... I'm currently botting basic game play such as afking NMZ on an account I've had several two days, I've been botting on it for about the same time period. RIP.
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