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Trade With Caution
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About JouxRS

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  1. Would you consider selling for less than 1,2/M? For the 30M
  2. Smile - You don't own all the problems in the world! Living in the England myself, I can relate to the job searching stress, I recently was laid off my job (there for 12 months+) unexpectedly and that fucked me over. If you're not having any luck directly applying for jobs with employers, perhaps consider talking to an agency
  3. +1 to this If you've gotta ask about what hardware you should use, you'd be better off renting a high spec VPS/dedicated server. If you really want too build your own, ideally you want the fastest processor as possible that's the main part for performance with botting. A good motherboard (with overclocking) would be useful, also fast RAM will again help improve speeds.
  4. +1 to that also rock crabs has a crazy high ban rate
  5. You should monitor your temps before adjusting fans controls. I use an application called SpeedFan - Works great
  6. Monday morning GMT is a big no-no, weekends you can extend the hours / reduce botting breaks
  7. I would make more accounts and start trying to sell your level 90 ones while you build up the new ones, it might take some time to sell them, but it would be worth it
  8. GMT is +5 hours on CT (Central time)
  9. I would recommend looking around pcpartpicker.com, the build posted above does fit the budget but doesn't look like the best build for the money, however I'm still shocked at seeing a MSI board for 10$ USD, am jealous. If your brother is on a budget, sounds like he is, I would consider going with an AMD based system, simply because it's cheaper and I find you get more performance for your money on a lower budget.
  10. Your joking.. right?
  11. Not the case for me, I get completely different IP addresses everytime. Haven't bothered to keep a track of them to check to see if any are used twice, but they are so different I don't even care
  12. Molly, they're scripts were the most interesting too me at the time of finding OSBOT.
  13. Anyone else love the show? HBO are going all out trying to stop the torrents: https://torrentfreak.com/hbo-warns-game-of-thrones-pirates-removes-torrents-160507/ Seems to be doing a decent job, but I've still downloaded and watched every new episode before it's aired on TV here in the UK
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