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v2uncrippled's Achievements

Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Looking for offers to do this acc, currently 1 atk 90 str , looking for 55 slayer and to stay str based
  2. Looking for 80+ Agility , if not agility dont hesitate to post , still looking for any skillers!
  3. Looking to start a skiller but wtih only 99 agility if possible
  4. I mean to only have one skill I cant imagine its too bad
  5. Title really says it all, wondering how much these would be worth or if anyone even sells these
  6. Does level3 matter or no in the price? I dont mind what so ever
  7. Used this multitudes of times, absolutely great script
  8. How much would I be looking at? If lvl 3 does it go for more? (seeing as I would prefer it I wouldnt mind)
  9. I deffinetly will when I get to the house!
  10. This looks really good, Is it out atm?
  11. This looks awesome!
  12. I can make 700k+ an hour doing lunar spells, hard to say without ruining it, but that spell book has a lot of potential.
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