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12 hours ago, IDroppedYou said:

Yo APA i put a comment on here about 2 weeks ago. you said youd get back to me? For whatever reason any of the east 1/2/3 spots all log me out randomly. idk if its from people crashing? but i dont have the setting to hop. i have force attack on... also on claw isle 5 4 3 or any of those.. those dont log me out.

Oh,I thought I got back to everyone when I worked on the update earlier - what exactly does it say in the logger? I'm not sure why it would log you out for one spot and not another but i'm sure there's a reason and the logger should let you know!

11 hours ago, brutusanus said:

Liked both threads....can I get a trial? Very interested in the script, thanks.

Sure thing, done! (:

7 hours ago, ronaldosoccr said:

@Apaec as of right now it only uses one special attack, then waits for it to be 50% again. Could you have it check or use both specials for a weapon such as a blowpipe? Heals the player resulting in less banking required.

Yeah, the script uses special attack when full since there's no way (direct) for me to determine how much special attack the weapon you're currently wearing is using.

That being said, I might be able to implement some sort of special attack listener or weapon collection to determine this. Thanks for the suggestion.

4 hours ago, haydennoon said:

hey mate havent used this script since my accs got banned got few new accs to bot here what do you recomend use mirror ? or what ? is it safe atm ?

Mirror is riskier at the moment since the script behaves inconsistently with it. I'd recommend stealth injection with short botting periods and generous breaks! (: I wrote some extra ban advice on the main thread in the 'things to consider' section, be sure to check it out!

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4 hours ago, Criboo said:

Hi Apa, please could I get a trial of this?

Thanks in advance.

Sure thing, thanks for stopping by!

2 hours ago, v a s t said:

Hey, could I get a trial please?

Sure - done! (:

2 hours ago, personaljsg said:

Great script, finally bought it!

Thanks! Enjoy the exp gains & hopefully the script lives up to your expectations!!! 



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11 minutes ago, IDroppedYou said:

Its the random solver thats logging me out. started random solver. exited random solver. thten says started random solver. then logs me.

Not sure why it would do that; there's no reason a random solver would stop the script. Perhaps you've entered your account details wrong, or got an unstable connection so that the script fails to log in?

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50 minutes ago, spectre007 said:

hey man just bought your script it is working great i am botting on clab island  but it is really crowded any tips which loc is less crowded ? And the xp bar ,is this showing the xp per hour including hp or only range or str?

The business really depends on the time you bot. At some times, it's very difficult to find a world; but at others almost all spots are free. I've noticed that it seems to be busiest in the evening (UK evening!), so perhaps try in the morning!

As for the XP Tracker, it tells you the total exp you have gained so yes, that includes HP!



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