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APA Sand Crabs


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  On 9/25/2016 at 6:08 AM, Murfderty said:

Yo, got ahold of your script, it's perfect! only thing I would change is the route it takes to reset the sandcrab aggro. It's always the same route, never random. other than that 10/10!


Hey :) Glad you like it. The paths are slightly randomised by the walker (and tiling depends on the camera angles, latency and such), but it should follow the same vague path each trip. I might spice things up a bit when the zeah re-design is released though!


  On 9/25/2016 at 11:37 AM, zyzzbra said:

The script is awesome!! Could there also be added that it picks up clue scrolls?


Yep. Clue scroll looting is coming soon! (probably with the zeah re-design which will be happing in the next couple of weeks I believe!)

I plan to do a bit of an overhaul then.


  On 9/25/2016 at 1:21 PM, artkid0 said:

Hey APA, just want to know, you posted it changes world so it doesn't crash people, but does it do the other way around where if people want to or crash you, does it hop by itself? 


The script will detect if you're crashed, and if you selected the hop option it will hop away from the crasher. Otherwise, it will fight for it's crabs and click on them when the pop up. If there's someone on the world the script hops to, it will hop again until it finds a free world. When the script setting for hopping is selected, the script should never crash someone, and if it does, it would be for no more than 30 seconds :)


Hope that helps, let me know if it's still not clear: )



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  On 9/25/2016 at 3:50 PM, Apaec said:

Hey smile.png Glad you like it. The paths are slightly randomised by the walker (and tiling depends on the camera angles, latency and such), but it should follow the same vague path each trip. I might spice things up a bit when the zeah re-design is released though!



Yep. Clue scroll looting is coming soon! (probably with the zeah re-design which will be happing in the next couple of weeks I believe!)

I plan to do a bit of an overhaul then.



The script will detect if you're crashed, and if you selected the hop option it will hop away from the crasher. Otherwise, it will fight for it's crabs and click on them when the pop up. If there's someone on the world the script hops to, it will hop again until it finds a free world. When the script setting for hopping is selected, the script should never crash someone, and if it does, it would be for no more than 30 seconds smile.png


Hope that helps, let me know if it's still not clear: )




Yeah it's clear to understand, and it's so good to see this Script doing so good since it's release.

Well, once I get a lot of stuff done, I'll hit this up on all of my future accounts :)

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  On 9/28/2016 at 12:02 PM, war lord 944 said:

Hey mate, thanks for the trial. Just purchased the script, working great for me currently. 


Any recommendations personally on how long you would run this bot on a daily basis, and your break times whilst doing so. Just curious from your personal perspective.


Thanks once again bud


Thanks! glad it's running well. :)


As with all popular botting locations, extra care needs to be taken to avoid being detected.


I would suggest being very generous with your breaks , after all a slightly slower xp rate is much better than having a banned account!

When I use the script, I run it for maximum 3h per day (while testing), with usual ratios of maybe 30 minutes on and atleast 30 minutes off. So far i've not been banned since initial development, however I've heard that other people have been banned so be careful!


For a more in-depth guide about botting bans as a whole, check out this link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/




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I love this script has gotten my pure 98 str so far smile.png all thanks  to you QwPha8E.png


But now when im at east number 5; it'll refresh then come back and stand behind the house forever until I manually click to go back south to the 3 crab spot. It's always worked fine but 2 days ago it started happening didn't think too much of it but now its happening alot  + it doesn't wanna work with combat potions :( won't withdraw more it'll just log saying I'm out or something when i have over 200 combat potions 



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  On 10/2/2016 at 4:19 PM, iroll said:


I love this script has gotten my pure 98 str so far smile.png all thanks  to you QwPha8E.png


But now when im at east number 5; it'll refresh then come back and stand behind the house forever until I manually click to go back south to the 3 crab spot. It's always worked fine but 2 days ago it started happening didn't think too much of it but now its happening alot  + it doesn't wanna work with combat potions sad.png won't withdraw more it'll just log saying I'm out or something when i have over 200 combat potions 



Thanks for letting me know, I'll take a look. Make sure you are using potion (4). I will be updating all of the paths when the Zeah remap is released which should be in the next week (or two?), so hopefully that should fix any problems if it's something in the dev build.

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