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For which bank does the script keep going in cycles? I will test with this version (v162) to see if it happens in this new version


As for ready-click, will add another update for readyclick, there was a bug with dialogues/levelling up sad.png


As for stronghold and enabling the last checkbox, don't worry the checkbox is removed in v162 because it was very confusing. The script is back to normal in this new version and requires no additional options to be enabled


The update will automatically go live within 24 hours or less, apologies everyone for the inconvenience sad.png

Edited by Czar
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Great updates man keep em up!


Another issue is path walking, but i guess that's a pretty tricky thing to get to work right. I'm trying the script with range + safe spotting in the waterfall dungeon on firegiants. Whilst fighting in there it handles the combat great! But when i tick the option to stop when food is out, it still fights until he dies. Also when banking it didn't find his way back to the fire giants. 


A very understandable issue. I doubt that you have scripted every path to every monster including waterfall dungeon cus to acces u need to go on a raft.. use rope on a rock, then a tree, have the amulet and then enter. Allthough there is a questing script for it that was able to do it so...



Could you reffer to anything the explains what the 3 difference with walking modes?

Edited by Nice guy
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The stop when food is out option is fixed in v162 biggrin.png The update will go live in less than 24 hours and the paint will say v162.0


As for adding new walking paths for waterfall fire giants, should be supported in the next update ^^ biggrin.png


Coolio! :)


Btw i edited my post but you had allready replied. Could you explain the differences with the 3 different walking modes? Or reffer to any post you have explaining them? :) thanks

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For which bank does the script keep going in cycles? I will test with this version (v162) to see if it happens in this new version


As for ready-click, will add another update for readyclick, there was a bug with dialogues/levelling up sad.png


As for stronghold and enabling the last checkbox, don't worry the checkbox is removed in v162 because it was very confusing. The script is back to normal in this new version and requires no additional options to be enabled


The update will automatically go live within 24 hours or less, apologies everyone for the inconvenience sad.png


edgeville banking, after my character is out of food and rebanking, it goes up and down the ladder continously; 

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Hmm some users buy scripts via vouchers http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ but I can activate the script for 4 days trial until the payment is processed biggrin.png


As for edgeville banking, already tested in v162 and the script doesn't get stuck, tested on hill giants without brass key starting from edgeville bank, script successfully walked biggrin.png Just waiting for update to be available :D


As for stopping script when out of ammo, since the update v162 is still pending I think I can add support for this feature biggrin.png

Edited by Czar
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You've got a deal! I'll place the order in 2-3 hours. That 4 day trial Please and thank you

Hmm some users buy scripts via vouchers http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ but I can activate the script for 4 days trial until the payment is processed biggrin.png


As for edgeville banking, already tested in v162 and the script doesn't get stuck, tested on hill giants without brass key starting from edgeville bank, script successfully walked biggrin.png Just waiting for update to be available biggrin.png


As for stopping script when out of ammo, since the update v162 is still pending I think I can add support for this feature biggrin.png


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@Czar looting bag support? And lets say for Falador shortcut to taverly dung (climb wall) bot allways runs to same spot (3 or 4 tiles from wall) stops in that spot, exact same spot, and then goes to wall. Also, i tryed to use low-resource mode and man it started to freez and lagg as fuck.
Can't test anything too much atm as everytime i run something doesn't work out. So waiting for 1.62 push and then will give more accurate bug-report.


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For which bank does the script keep going in cycles? I will test with this version (v162) to see if it happens in this new version


As for ready-click, will add another update for readyclick, there was a bug with dialogues/levelling up sad.png


As for stronghold and enabling the last checkbox, don't worry the checkbox is removed in v162 because it was very confusing. The script is back to normal in this new version and requires no additional options to be enabled


The update will automatically go live within 24 hours or less, apologies everyone for the inconvenience sad.png


Still having issues with world hopping while banking (it's seeing players within x radius and tries hopping worlds repeatedly), just reminding so that it doesn't get forgotten!

Thank you

Edited by Socialism
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