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Perfect Fighter AIO


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So just a few notes, the bot operated extremely efficiently.  The random mouse movements were too erratic to be believable.  I was banned having only used this script probably both from people reporting for not talking or something and also from multiple instances where the bot will click over and over again trying to do something i.e. going from Varrock west to hill giants it could complete the brass key to door sometimes but at one point I realized my bot had been clicking brass key and a random spot near the door over and over for approx. 30minutes.  Also when randoms come up it is able to click and dismiss them twice before they go away which is bottish looking (may be from random in actual client).  I only incurred a two day ban but will not be risking using this again personally.  Do not let this discredit the script though, it is written amazingly just not going to risk it.

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Hmm I am able to override the random handler, I guess I will do so in the next update, but for it to work, users must not enable client random dismisser ^^ :D


As for mouse movements, scripters can't change mouse system but don't worry, only clicks are technically detected by the client, as long as there are no bugs and no stupid mouse clicks it should be fine. I will post an update for clicking too :D :D


As for the clicking & brass key, I will add an update ASAP :)


thanks for feedback guys and activated all trials good luck ;)


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on V132 now, Black dragon plugin still doesnt loot..sad.png

first tried 'loot over 2000', then checked every box but that one. still nothing.


it will still stand near the rope when entering the dragon area for awhile until attacked.( 2 dragons near rope already being killed by ppl)

noticed when i was low on prayer and soon as it took the last sip of prayer potion,restored back to 27 prayer, then left the dragon area to bank instead of using it up first.

also didnt recharge prayer at altar went straight to bank.


it also doesnt stand away from dragons every time, usually happens when it first enters area from rope and attacked it will stand there eating food when hit by melee.


when starting script at the bank, as it gets close to the dragon entrance it will drink antifire, switch to prayer book turn on mage protect, goes back to inventory and drinks another antifire everytime.


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Hello! I remember using some of ur scripts years ago. Now i joined runescape again but i dont have time to train my strength(im making a f2p pure). So im looking for a bot that will not get me banned so easily(really private spot for training). So the question is, can i get the trial for the perfect fighter script please? And if the script works as it should, can i pay with osrs gp? Because im from Estonia and its kind of hard to transact virtual money etc. Thank you!

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is it possible to add a healing option for monks? so if training @ monks there could be a option for healing from them?? not just for edge monks but other locations so maybe custom healing option for monks? any thoughts? and maybe a "save" option would be a good idea also.



 note: ran the bot at seagulls last night and the bot seems is unable to recognize that the npc is already in combat.

Edited by Sho
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Hello! I remember using some of ur scripts years ago. Now i joined runescape again but i dont have time to train my strength(im making a f2p pure). So im looking for a bot that will not get me banned so easily(really private spot for training). So the question is, can i get the trial for the perfect fighter script please? And if the script works as it should, can i pay with osrs gp? Because im from Estonia and its kind of hard to transact virtual money etc. Thank you!


Activated trial biggrin.png Yes, you can buy the script with OSRS gp, using an OSBot voucher bought from here: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/


good luck wink.png


is it possible to add a healing option for monks? so if training @ monks there could be a option for healing from them?? not just for edge monks but other locations so maybe custom healing option for monks? any thoughts? and maybe a "save" option would be a good idea also.



 note: ran the bot at seagulls last night and the bot seems is unable to recognize that the npc is already in combat.


Will add monks universally, and will add a quick fix for seagulls ASAP biggrin.png


on V132 now, Black dragon plugin still doesnt loot..sad.png

first tried 'loot over 2000', then checked every box but that one. still nothing.


it will still stand near the rope when entering the dragon area for awhile until attacked.( 2 dragons near rope already being killed by ppl)

noticed when i was low on prayer and soon as it took the last sip of prayer potion,restored back to 27 prayer, then left the dragon area to bank instead of using it up first.

also didnt recharge prayer at altar went straight to bank.


it also doesnt stand away from dragons every time, usually happens when it first enters area from rope and attacked it will stand there eating food when hit by melee.


when starting script at the bank, as it gets close to the dragon entrance it will drink antifire, switch to prayer book turn on mage protect, goes back to inventory and drinks another antifire everytime.

Brutal dragons will be getting an update ASAP today, v133 coming up, apologies for the bugs sad.png they will all be fixed in the next update ^^ :D

Edited by Czar
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Hmm, for levelling tasks, did you set any target goal levels to level 0? e.g. defence ?


As for purchasing the script, the link is in the store page: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/644-perfect-fighter/, activated a 24hr trial good luck ;)


New update (v133):


- Re-wrote brutal dragons plugin completely

- Added monk plugin


update will be live in less than 24 hours :D good luck guys ;)

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