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Perfect Fighter AIO


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New update just went live, more to come! I've been announcing updates on discord, I'll post the next update on forums too so everybody knows what is new <3 

EDIT: Also forgot to mention the Dragon Slayer 2 doors have been fixed, happy killing rune dragons! :D 

Added trials too, enjoy :)

And yea ferox is the first bank option coming to mm1 caves, it's the best imo, only second to POH + ornate pool :doge: 

Will also fix up some of the slayer monsters so it doesn't double click the ice cooler on them, update coming up ASAP.

And will also add cave krakens ASAP. I am missing the slayer level but I will be using this bot on a few accounts to train up 1-70 slayer, and go even further for cave kraken :) 

Edited by Czar
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I've had a very difficult time with the vampyre set up. No matter what settings I chose, sometimes he would run for 15 minutes and close, or sit in the bank equipping the vyre top and my fighter torso over and over. He also runs quite a ways from the altar, and waits till almost 0, and a couple times at 0 prayer and then would go to altar. I tried like 20 different settings, and no matter what he would equip the vyre outfit and fight, when I set my gear as equipped gear. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, so please tell me, because I have been DYING to fight them. Amazing experience and potential wealth!! Thank you though Czar, let me know if there's anything I can do to assist in this.


Fighting bot is absolutely amazing, and incredibly smart. The only challenge I have is it equipping the vyre to access bank, then reequipping my gear to fight. Help me get it perfect to fight in gear, bank in vyre, altar to pray constantly, and I will buy this mfer immediately, aha!!

Edited by chyeaa
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Huge update just went live, more to come :D Improved looting bag, and looting items in wildy too, also added update to GDK plugin, crabs plugin, and added ironman support for crabs looting too. I am testing some stuff for mm1 and then doing more feedback updates <3  

Added all trials gl guys enjoy :) 

@Wc4pray I'll take a look at cannon + breaks ASAP. Can you confirm if you used my breaks or osbot client breaks? Either way I'll try both and get back to you with an update <3 

@Neurodes Wilderness slayer cave I will be adding cannon here, I believe jagex moved the cave somewhere else so I gotta re-map the areas again ^^ :D 

@Dubnation Yes vyres are supported I added 2 example profiles in the setup window, both using my personal profiles :doge: Feel free to give it a try, I gave you 24 hr demo.

@bigmike013 Done fixed, update went live already feel free to give it a try <3 

@chyeaa I will be adding a new update so it withdraws the vyre noble outfit if not already started the bot with those carried. Atm if we manually withdraw the vyre noble gear, the bot will do everything else, e.g. switch to vyre noble outfit before banking. I also added a way to refresh aggro so the vyres don't attack while banking, I can give another 24 hr trial if you like <3 

@Album Yessir :D I'll add banking + ferox + world hopping in the next version ASAP.

Edited by Czar
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