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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Yes I will unlock the stronghold npcs so that they can be fought without the plugin :D Will also check out the quiver bug, what is the script attempting to do or failing to do? It doesn't loot the chosen arrows or it logs out due to thinking it has no arrows or? In any case I will take a look :D

ETA on update will be within a few hours hopefully ^^ :D

As for stronghold plugin not opening, it is a osbot security error, try moving osbot jar to desktop, or if that doesn't work, create a shortcut for the osbot and place the shortcut jar on the desktop then re-run the client, it will solve it :D

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3 hours ago, Czar said:

Yes I will unlock the stronghold npcs so that they can be fought without the plugin :D Will also check out the quiver bug, what is the script attempting to do or failing to do? It doesn't loot the chosen arrows or it logs out due to thinking it has no arrows or? In any case I will take a look :D

It's the script failing to realise that arrows are equipped.


[INFO][07/12 08:46:25 PM]: Loaded 3 RS accounts!
[INFO][07/12 08:46:29 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.5.52!
[INFO][07/12 08:46:34 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 180!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][07/12 08:46:34 PM]: Initializing mirror client bot...
[INFO][07/12 08:46:34 PM]: Started bot #1
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:46:52 PM]: Initializing 38 API modules...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:17 PM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 57 minute(s), you will break for 62 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:17 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: Item Definitions loaded: 23494
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: Definitions loaded: 23494
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: 23 APIs loaded
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "eq_loaded" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "allow_varrock_upstairs" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "ss_force_fightzone" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "ss_modern_eat" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "force_path" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "bank_condition" changed to "NO_FOOD"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "ss_eat_bounds_1" changed to "45"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "ss_eat_bounds_2" changed to "65"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "ss_random_prayer_value" changed to "10"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "ss_allow_special_use" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: "aio_fighter_attack_delay" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:24 PM]: Initializing GUI...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:26 PM]: Loading GUI, low resources = true walk-setting = 0!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Banks added: [53]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Floors added: [17]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Scenery added: [2]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Entrances added: [65]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Carpet rides added: [4]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Ships added: [5]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Agility shortcuts added: [10]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Fairy teleport added: [38]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:29 PM]: Teleport items added: [36]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:30 PM]: Teleport spells added: [12]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:30 PM]: Stronghold added
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:30 PM]: NPC teleports added: [1]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:30 PM]: Added al-kharid gate (payment)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:30 PM]: Added 11500 nodes to graph in [3532ms].
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:30 PM]: Item definitions loaded: 23494
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:32 PM]: Yay!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:38 PM]: Added: Minotaur (12)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:40 PM]: Checkbox [8] modified, identified as [Range mode]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:41 PM]: Checkbox [0] modified, identified as [Safespot]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:42 PM]: Checkbox [3] modified, identified as [Loot arrows]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]:  7 actionpoints ready
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Next eat hitpoints: [13]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Iffie!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: null!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Romeo!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Shop assistant!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Baraek!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Shop keeper!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Benny!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Horvik!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: Lowe!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: Added npc: null!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Iffie
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: null
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Romeo
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Shop assistant
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Baraek
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Shop keeper
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Benny
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Horvik
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:47 PM]: filled with: Lowe
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:52 PM]: Added npc: Tramp!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:52 PM]: filled with: Tramp
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:57 PM]: Added npc: Gypsy Aris!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:57 PM]: Added npc: Zaff!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:57 PM]: Added npc: Thessalia!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:57 PM]: filled with: Gypsy Aris
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:57 PM]: filled with: Zaff
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:47:57 PM]: filled with: Thessalia
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: EatTask loaded
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Next eat hitpoints: [10]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]:  7 actionpoints ready
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Special change from (0) to (100)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Mind rune
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Iron arrow
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Bronze arrow
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Coins
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Copper ore
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Tin ore
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Rune essence
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Clue scroll (easy)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "bank_list_size" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (bank_list_size) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "bank_item_id_0" changed to "315"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (bank_item_id_0) changed from () to (315)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "bank_item_amount_0" changed to "20"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (bank_item_amount_0) changed from () to (20)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "bank_item_block_0" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (bank_item_block_0) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "bank_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (bank_mode) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "bank_condition" changed to "No_food"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (bank_condition) changed from (No_food) to (No_food)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "ss_guthans_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (ss_guthans_mode) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: safespot set to: true
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: deathwalk: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "enable_bone_bury" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (enable_bone_bury) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Burying bones: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: looting arrow: true
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: special: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Looting rare drop table items !
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Setting goal level commands...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "level_task_mode" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (level_task_mode) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "ss_stopcon_safe" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (ss_stopcon_safe) changed from () to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: glory: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: only loot my target: false
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: "ranged_mode" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Command (ranged_mode) changed from () to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: 1 other npcs added.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Added npc Minotaur - 12
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: == Saved settings ==
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: Burying bones: [false]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: ---------- ready ----------
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:01 PM]: initials: perfectstronghold
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:02 PM]: Chosen ammo [Bronze arrow]x[0]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/12 08:48:02 PM]: Walking to fight pos: [x=1871, y=5243, z=0]

Pic of inventory:


Stronghold feature needed:

For ranged mode loot arrow, can loot arrow out of combat option be ported from the main script?

The bot spazzes out and collects every 2-3 arrows whilst fighting.

Edited by Banes
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Why it doesnt re-stock my inventory everytime if I select banking "Loot full"

Sometimes I end up running back with only 1 food.




Okay, usualy I use "no food" option for banking. But since "eat for loot" is not working and I want to loot bones in safe spot I can't.

So I tried "Loot Full" - Works fine, except it wont take food every trip but only if I don't have any in my inventory.

Sometimes I end up running there with 1 food. If I get hit too many times I will end up dead. Because it wont bank if my hp is low.

Then I tried "No food untill inventory full" - I assumed it will bank if one of them is true. So it got inventory full with 2 food left but kept fighting.

Can You explain how these three options are supposed to work? Is it meant to re-stock everything every banking trip or is something broken?

Edited by xBow
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Next update featuring some important adjustments and few changes/fixes is almost ready thanks for all the detailed feedback guys, makes updates smoother and quicker ^^ :D 

As for arrows it seems to be detecting them in the logger (bronze arrow)x[0] but not sure what is happening in the later stages of the script perhaps it is not updating or something? Will do some more test runs and improve it ASAP . :D 

As for looting, “only loot my target” isn’t designed for “eat for loot” just yet, since loot my targets has an entirely different looting system compared to the normal one, it changes up the script a lot if it is enabled, I noticed the bot eating for loot perfectly fine without loot my targets, I will make them compatible in the next update ASAP. :D 

As for trials, activated good luck guys ^^ :D 

Edited by Czar
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Hey @Czar, Having an issue with looting. I noticed the bot would initially loot properly and then stop looting eventually, prioritisng fighting npc over looting (opposite to what I have set in the script).


[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "current_loot_y" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "alert_inactivity" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "current_loot_x" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_magic_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "level_task_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_hop_world" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "alert_allow_beep" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "b2p_spell_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "script" "fighter"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_range" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "stop_combat" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_alch_3" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_alch_2" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_low_resource" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "npc_cb_0" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_alch_1" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_alch_0" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bank_item_block_0" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_smart_safespot" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "enable_loot_arrows" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_tile_loot_distance" "8"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_id_3" "882"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "enable_bone_bury" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_npc_tile_dist" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_id_0" "1739"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_fightzone_stay" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_spec_min_target_hp" "40"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_id_1" "526"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_antifire_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_id_2" "713"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "alert_at_bank" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bone_bury_target" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_konar_droptable" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "no_loot_arrows_combat" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_ov_potion_cb" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_b2p_wait_food" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "pref_bank" "nearest"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ranging_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bank_item_id_0" "315"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "start_bury_bones" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_priority" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_avoid_response_combat" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "walk_fight_1" "walk"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_afk_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "enable_special_attacks" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_guthans_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bone_bury_count" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "prioritize_loot" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_allow_wildy" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "walk_bank_0" "walk"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_list_size" "4"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bank_list_size" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_reattack_target" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "did_teleport_bank" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_expeditious" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_stop_at_death" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_cannon_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_eat_bounds_2" "70"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_eat_bounds_1" "45"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_item_value" "200"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_break_at_bank" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "alert_at_logout" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_custom_break_tile" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bank_item_amount_0" "5"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_wildy_emergency_tele" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_only_my_npcs" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "unreachable" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_slayer_bag_of_salt" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_wait_loot" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_fight_with_cannon" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bank_mode" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_loot_single_ammo" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_tile_x" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_tile_y" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_tile_z" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "bank_condition" "Loot_full"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "loot_in_combat" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_stopcon_safe" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_lootbag_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "alert_random_event" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "move_mouse_outside" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "telegrab_loot" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "alert_name_called" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_readyclick_npc" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ab_antipattern_mode" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "npc_name_0" "Cow"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_real_distance" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "prayer_flick_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ab_override_random" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_slayer_rockhammer" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "npc_list_size" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_return_safespot_no_loot" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ab_mouse_outside" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_force_fightzone" "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_fightzone_loot" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_b2p_mode" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_return_safespot_combat" "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]:
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]:  ... success!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Dumping SmartInventory
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: [ACTION]=deposit_except_id | [ITEM]=315 | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=eat | [ITEM]=Shrimps | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=deposit_all | [ITEM]= empty  | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=withdraw_special_items_id | [ITEM]=315_5, | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Killed 55 npcs, gained: 7,932 exp, ran for: 00:04:08:10.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Make sure to post a progress report on the main thread!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: If you have any bugs/suggestions/feedback, please make a detailed post how to add it to the script, in the main thread!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Thanks for using Perfect Fighter!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_tile_x" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Command (ss_safespot_tile_x) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_tile_y" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Command (ss_safespot_tile_y) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: "ss_safespot_tile_z" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Command (ss_safespot_tile_z) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Starting...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Done! Starting fight bounds now...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/15 10:30:53 PM]: Finished

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@Banes At what point in time would the script stop looting, e.g. when X event occurs (can be anything such as if player died or something) - I will take a look at this ASAP. I hope I am able to reproduce the bug, how many minutes/hours are you running the bot so I can run a similar + longer amount of time and fix this for you :D Will replicate the logs into a profile too, thanks for the debug info :D

@MillSup  for saving/loading profiles, what is the error? Also have you tried copy and pasting OSBot jar onto the desktop and running from there? It should work better with directories/saving. Also are you using any non-windows operating system (e.g. mac or linux)? If you have any errors please send them so I can take a look. The saving/loading is working for me currently on windows OS and I tested on Mac dual-boot too, but I will re-test and see how it goes. :D

@Hackman thank you so much, really appreciate kind feedback and relieved to know that the price is cheap for what the script offers! :D:D

PS guys the next update is almost ready ^^ :D I will be posting a few sub-versions and a main version like I planned, following all user responses within the last page of this thread ^^ :D


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24 minutes ago, Czar said:

@Banes At what point in time would the script stop looting, e.g. when X event occurs (can be anything such as if player died or something) - I will take a look at this ASAP. I hope I am able to reproduce the bug, how many minutes/hours are you running the bot so I can run a similar + longer amount of time and fix this for you :D Will replicate the logs into a profile too, thanks for the debug info :D

@MillSup  for saving/loading profiles, what is the error? Also have you tried copy and pasting OSBot jar onto the desktop and running from there? It should work better with directories/saving. Also are you using any non-windows operating system (e.g. mac or linux)? If you have any errors please send them so I can take a look. The saving/loading is working for me currently on windows OS and I tested on Mac dual-boot too, but I will re-test and see how it goes. :D

@Hackman thank you so much, really appreciate kind feedback and relieved to know that the price is cheap for what the script offers! :D:D

PS guys the next update is almost ready ^^ :D I will be posting a few sub-versions and a main version like I planned, following all user responses within the last page of this thread ^^ :D


This would occur approximately after 1.5 hours of running the script. I've run the bot for 2 hours and a bit, with breaks in between.

I'll be keeping an eye on it today and hopefully catch it if it replicates itself.

Agree with Hackman that this is literally the best script for combat on the market. Hence why I can't wait for your Slayer script!

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Thanks for the confirmation and kind words :D Just posted a tiny update for: stronghold plugin (allows you to use non-plugin version), and eat for space option bug fix. Will be doing more updates as I go along, just finished a few smaller changes, onto looting, saving/loading and then several other updates/improvements that I have been paying attention to ^^ :D 

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12 minutes ago, Czar said:

Thanks for the confirmation and kind words :D Just posted a tiny update for: stronghold plugin (allows you to use non-plugin version), and eat for space option bug fix. Will be doing more updates as I go along, just finished a few smaller changes, onto looting, saving/loading and then several other updates/improvements that I have been paying attention to ^^ :D 

The bug repeated itself. The script was running for 10 minutes and the bug occured in the last few minutes. I'll pm you my script settings.


[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:36 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:36 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:36 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:36 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:36 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:36 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:42 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:42 AM]: Changed item tho 15
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:45 AM]: "start_bury_bones" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:45 AM]: Command (start_bury_bones) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:47 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=3027, y=3308, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:32:49 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:02 AM]: [WAIT_FOR_LOOT] Killed an npc - waiting for at least 5 seconds.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:02 AM]: Stopping next attack!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:02 AM]: .. kill finished, waiting for loot to appear.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:02 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "11"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:02 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "KillListener: Wait 15s until loot items appear on ground"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:03 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:05 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "3027"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:05 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (3027) to (3027)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:05 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "3308"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:05 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (3308) to (3308)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:05 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:05 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:15 AM]: Attempting to loot 1 [Cowhide]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:16 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait until we loot our first specific item 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:17 AM]: finished looting, delay + proceed!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:17 AM]: last interact delay..
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:17 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Random wait after looting an item"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:18 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:18 AM]: Changed item tho 15
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: Attempting to loot 1 [Bones]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait until we loot our first specific item 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: finished looting, delay + proceed!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: last interact delay..
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Random wait after looting an item"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: "start_bury_bones" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: Command (start_bury_bones) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:20 AM]: Changed item tho 16
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: No more lootable items on target position!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:23 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:28 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:28 AM]: Changed item tho 16
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:30 AM]: "start_bury_bones" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:30 AM]: Command (start_bury_bones) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:32 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=3027, y=3310, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:34 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:47 AM]: (1) Stopping next attack!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:47 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Stopping our next attack"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:47 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: .. kill finished, waiting for loot to appear.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Waiting for specific loot to appear"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "3027"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (3027) to (3027)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "3310"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (3310) to (3310)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:50 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:52 AM]: Attempting to loot 1 [Cowhide]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:52 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait until we loot our first specific item 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:53 AM]: finished looting, delay + proceed!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:53 AM]: last interact delay..
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:53 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Random wait after looting an item"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:54 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:54 AM]: Changed item tho 16
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: Attempting to loot 1 [Bones]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait until we loot our first specific item 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: finished looting, delay + proceed!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: last interact delay..
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Random wait after looting an item"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: "start_bury_bones" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:56 AM]: Command (start_bury_bones) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:57 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:57 AM]: Changed item tho 17
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: No more lootable items on target position!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:33:59 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:04 AM]: "inv_change" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:04 AM]: Changed item tho 17
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:05 AM]: "start_bury_bones" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:05 AM]: Command (start_bury_bones) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:08 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=3026, y=3308, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:10 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:23 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:24 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=3029, y=3305, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:27 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:34 AM]: (1) Stopping next attack!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:34 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Stopping our next attack"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:34 AM]: Changed interaction!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: .. kill finished, waiting for loot to appear.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Waiting for specific loot to appear"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "3030"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (3030) to (3030)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "3305"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (3305) to (3305)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:37 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:39 AM]: Attempting to loot 1 [Cowhide]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:39 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait until we loot our first specific item 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:40 AM]: finished looting, delay + proceed!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:40 AM]: last interact delay..
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:40 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Random wait after looting an item"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:43 AM]: Attempting to loot 1 [Bones]
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:43 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait until we loot our first specific item 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:43 AM]: finished looting, delay + proceed!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:43 AM]: last interact delay..
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:43 AM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Random wait after looting an item"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:44 AM]: "start_bury_bones" changed to "1"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:44 AM]: Command (start_bury_bones) changed from (1) to (1)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: No more lootable items on target position!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: "current_loot_x" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: Command (current_loot_x) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: "current_loot_y" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: Command (current_loot_y) changed from (0) to (0)
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: "stop_combat" changed to "0"
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:46 AM]: Command (stop_combat) changed from (0) to (0)
[WARN][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:53 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/16 08:34:56 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has paused!

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