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Today's Update:

New Update (v216)

- Handled by an event now, completely re-written
- You can now decide when to move back to the safespot
- You can now decide when to loot
- No more getting stuck outside safespot, more stable now

- Handled by an event now (optional!)
- Loots items in a systematic way now, script will not progress until item is looted

- Fight alongside cannon option tweaks
- Appropriate delays added so no actions are skipped, e.g. no more attacking npc straight after trying to fill cannonballs.

- Script will either go to designated breaking tile or nearest bank.
- Script will now logout while waiting for breaks to trigger.
- Breaks are now overriden by the script. It will control the breaks.

Another attempt at clue scrolls (need confirmation!)
Newer items added to looting/banking list.
Move mouse outside for crabs
Magic mode now supports safespotting
Fixed performance issues
Added more saved options to setup
Avoid fighting other npcs option is now enabled by default
Slayer kills no longer 2x


// F1 = set cannon tile
        // F2 = hide paint
        // F3 = Set afk tile
        // F4 = reset afk tile
        // F6 = Set safespot tile
        // F7 = activate tile selector
        // F8 = Reset tile selector
        // F9 and F10 used by the client, EDIT: will re-assign as they are no longer used by client
        // F11 = Set breaks tile
        // F12 = Reset breaks tile

Had to re-write many parts of the script, thanks for all the feedback guys I really appreciate it :D:D Will be pushing the update after a final round of testing.

Response to all user's questions/bug reports/suggestions:





On 4/5/2018 at 5:40 PM, Botislife said:

This is my first problem i've encountered with the script. It automatically attacks what ever npc is aggro on you regardless if its the npc you chose to attack.

For example, http://prntscr.com/j1bf4y

Here i'm trying to kill ice giants. But the bot will attack the ice spiders instead since they are also aggro on me. My plan was to just protect melee and ignore them. Nothing insane but since the script is so flawless otherwise I figured you'd appreciate the knowledge on a problem that you can polish off.

Make sure you have enabled the 'Avoid fighting other npcs' option in Misc. 1 tab. If you have enabled it and you are still retaliating, confirm please. I will add extra measures so the script can run away and attack new npcs or another viable alternative.

On 4/5/2018 at 9:54 AM, stam dato said:

I set the script to use potions and set the attack levels to use potions and then saved it.

However, when I load the settings next time, the using potions settings doesn't load in the gui.

I will add the potions to the save GUI, I just need to test some mac saving/loading and I will push the gui updates.

On 4/5/2018 at 3:53 PM, ExitPoint said:

Anyway we can get looting bag support for the gdk?

I will definitely get this down after the next updates (so 1 update after the new one), I am almost done with the new update so the gdk one will take 1-2 days max from now

On 4/5/2018 at 8:03 PM, fuze31 said:

Still running great for me. Is the cannon working smooth yet? I heard theres been issues with it, thank:ditto:

Cannon in combination with other features needed some tweaking, which I have done for the new upcoming update.

On 4/5/2018 at 11:02 PM, dikkebenaan said:

If i do the green dragon bot with ranged, how do i make it resupply on ammunition? is that possible?

Add the arrows to the banking list and the script will automatically equip them on new trip.

On 4/6/2018 at 11:36 AM, AndyJt said:

Does this script work in Sophanem dungeon and does it bank in sophanem dungeon bank booth?

Sophanem dungeon is not supported yet so no banking there just yet, only non-banking support there. I will be adding this to the upcoming update feature list.

On 4/7/2018 at 3:28 AM, csvernon said:

Add dust battlestaff to looting table please :)

Added in new update.

On 4/7/2018 at 4:11 AM, John Smith said:

When using the rock crabs plugin, mouse will not go outside of the client when the option is checked.

Fixed in new update.

On 4/7/2018 at 6:50 PM, steele turner said:

Can you please tell me if theres anyway to use cannon at rock crabs????

Cannon for rock crabs without refresing aggro can be supported but it is untested and experimental. I have only tested cannon at normal (non-rock) npcs.

On 4/7/2018 at 9:09 PM, 0s0r4 said:

Hey again. I need some more help. How do I set up a safe spot while maging? I've tried using F7 and setting fight bounds but it won't work, my character will only fight in the fight zone. I thought at one point there was an option to press F6 and press a safe spot, was I wrong?


Anyways, can anyone help me and show/tell me how to set one up?


 Much appreciated! <3

I will need to test magic mode. For now please select range mode instead of mage mode (even if you are maging) so the safespot option is available. I will make it possible in the upcoming update today.

On 4/8/2018 at 9:05 PM, RYanb0401 said:

- What is the bug - Camera constantly rotates after releasing keys
- How did you make the bug happen - Any time I try to look around with the camera
- Tried client restart? - Yes
- Normal script or a plugin? - Normal script
- Which exact setup options are enabled? - Happens on all settings regardless of what I choose

This is a common issue, enable input for keyboard and hit the arrow key which correlates with the direction of the camera spinning, so if the camera is spinning right, hit the right arrow key on your keyboard and it will stop. It is client issue :s 

On 4/9/2018 at 7:21 PM, guywithlsd said:

@Czar hello, can you make a list in your OP topic, what kind of F keys to use for what? I can't seem to find out how to set up Break tiles for Sand Crabs plug in.

Updated thread. I originally planned to add it to the fighter website with the fighter guide/manual but it is slightly delayed

On 4/9/2018 at 10:27 PM, xsoulpridez said:

- What is the bug - Script seems to not take the safespot tile as highest priority, sometimes he does the kill before going back to safespot, other times the enemy hits me 2-5 times and he moves back to safespot
- How did you make the bug happen - any time i set my tile as safespot
- Tried client restart? - Yes
- Normal script or a plugin? - Normal 
- Which exact setup options are enabled? - tried switching on & off a few, no diff

Safespotting has received many changes in today's update. Should be much better.

On 4/9/2018 at 11:20 PM, thejaru said:

when using cannon and fight alongside cannon mode it does not attack any NPC's. Nor does it initially load the cannon and fire it. I have to manually click on the cannon first at which point it will always make sure the cannon is full, but it still does not attack any NPC's. It only auto-retaliates to npcs.

You absolutely must set the cannon after the script is loaded in a suitable tile otherwise cannoning won't work at all. The script needs to know where the cannon is before continuing. I will run some more tests and make it easier to use just in case.

On 4/10/2018 at 5:41 AM, thejaru said:

Another comment about a glitch. While running the script, it randomly decides it no longer wants to attack all the monsters. Will only attack one of the designated NPC and wait for that exact spawn to spawn again, at which point it will kill it again. It doesn't auto-retaliate to combat and will continuously try and attack the designated NPC that it wants to fight. Regardless of the fact that other NPC"s with the same name (e.g. fire giants) are attacking it, it will only go for that one specific spawn.

Hmm haven't had this bug before, I will run some tests. Any error logs? Also, camera zoom at far away (max)? Other npcs are visible?

On 4/11/2018 at 1:11 AM, RYanb0401 said:

Bot cannot be trusted on it's own at Catacomb fire giants.

For whatever reason, at random, it will stop eating and/or drinking prayer potions. Five times within the same slayer task so far.

On top of this, it will occasionally get stuck trying to attack a dark beast (that I do not have the slayer level to kill)

Between these issues and the camera bug I'm struggling to find reasons to recommend this bot for purchase.

Catacombs still not supported just yet, as for dark beast, if they are aggressive the script may attack them if you haven't enabled the 'avoid fighting other npcs' option in misc1. tab. I may make this option default in the next version. Also, will the script stop eating/drinking after a trip? Screenshot your settings please, I will run with your settings.

On 4/12/2018 at 2:30 PM, MrGentleman said:

Hello, I'm not sure if I do something wrong or, it's script problem, but when I use Security Stronghold plugin and choose any NPC, for example Zombie(30), he starting to go to different place and just standing, even when starting bot in that place where is that NPC, he still going somewhere else and just standing. Or when I choose only place, without choosing NPC, after food is finished he just standing. Is this only for me? Sorry for my english, I hope you understand what I mean.

Make sure to use the stronghold of security plugin for stronghold npcs, please verify that you did. If you did, did you select a tile in the tile selector?

On 4/13/2018 at 9:16 PM, miniman said:

Recent batch of script updates broke the cannon and the range looting.


For cannon it will click the cannon and then click an npc right after which results in not loading the cannon.

The range problem is basically the same thing, the script will try to pick up an item but then right after trying to pick it up it will try and move back to the safe spot resulting in it just running back and forth between the two things.

Yep, fixed in today's update.

On 4/14/2018 at 4:07 AM, Frannyvanity said:

The script seems to ignore clue scroll looting, yes i know for certain i have them enabled in the loot selection.

I have had another shot at coding this, extremely hard to test for clue scroll because it's rare loot :( Please confirm if it's fixed in today's update

On 4/14/2018 at 9:37 AM, guywithlsd said:

Goodluck waiting for this to be fixed. I have reported same errors like 6+ months ago(if not one years) and nothing have been fixed from then lol. Not only that, i spent like weeks of waiting / testing / reporting bugs that czar "fixed" or "worked on" :doge:

This script is super broken and unstable. Only good for fighting same npc, no food, no potions, no banking, no safespot, no loot. Then it's perfect.

I got safespotting improvements for today's update, it is really complicated to handle many feature variants, safespotting alone has more than 7+ combining features which totally affect the way it works. If just 1 small option doesn't combine well with others, it can confuse the script. If you aren't talking about safespotting please confirm!

On 4/14/2018 at 4:10 PM, ExitPoint said:



this has happened 3 times now..

Screenshot your options I will use the same gui options and test. You gotta give more details of which settings otherwise I cannot know what the bug is, I know the script has died but how, are you banking or not, do you have food in your bank or not? Regardless, I will add more safety checks.

17 hours ago, pathwayp said:

can you add support for F2P ogres in Corsair Cove Resource Area ? THANKS

I am working on adding more maps to the script, got 3 in the waiting list for the next update.





Edited by Czar
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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Catacombs still not supported just yet, as for dark beast, if they are aggressive the script may attack them if you haven't enabled the 'avoid fighting other npcs' option in misc1. tab. I may make this option default in the next version. Also, will the script stop eating/drinking after a trip? Screenshot your settings please, I will run with your settings.

It will attack the dark beasts of it's own accord, whether or not they're aggressive or which settings I choose. Fair enough though if catacombs isn't supported.

It will stop eating and drinking at any point, either two minutes into the first trip, after three bank runs or anywhere in between. Unfortunately it's very difficult to recreate as it's only a matter of time.

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3 hours ago, jmdegrande said:

I've been using this script for a whole week, about 12 slayer tasks but never did I get a clue scroll. 

Is it possible that the bot doesn't pick them up? I put 500gp as minimum loot. 

Or what should I change to get them picked up? 

Clue scrolls do not have GE value. You have to add it manually

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