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Omg I don't know why the hell it doesn't loot simple things like blood runes, death runes, ensouled abby heads when i bot at the slayer tower. This is a serious problem, who knows maybe it left a whip on the floor. But I have been using the stronghold plugin killing ankous on my alt and it loots flawlessly, so quickly, I wish the regular script looted like that.

Edited by ill drop you
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4 hours ago, cryptokleij said:

can i please get a trial?

also, does this bot have the option to kill NPC's with a cannon while being passive? to not gain HP exp?

for example cannoning rockcrabs, just reloading the cannon and waking up the crabs, not actually attacking the crabs himself.


You could just turn auto-retaliate off and equip a bow without arrows to do this, there might be other ways to accomplish this also.

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Fully botted acc minus farming, 1800+ total. I've botted slayer 12+ hours a day with manual breaks for weeks using this script. Just make sure you select end on slayer task if you plan on leaving it run while not there so it logs out after your task instead of trying to click over and over on an npc you can't attack anymore because its not your task anymore.

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