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Perfect Fighter AIO


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[INFO][Bot #1][04/21 05:22:51 PM]: Found npc fight zone based on nearby npcs, proceeding!
[ERROR][Bot #1][04/21 05:22:53 PM]: Error in bot executor or from Error class (and not Exception)!
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.emu.EmuClient.getSpellSelected()Z
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.Magic.isSpellSelected(ig:52)
    at l.i.l.COm2.E(qq:662)
    at l.i.l.COm2.c(qq:143)
    at l.com3.H(qu:576)
    at l.com3.onLoop(qu:1189)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(gf:182)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][04/21 05:23:10 PM]: Tile selector is now [active]


Hello, @Czar

Any clue where this error message is coming from?  I ran the script in this area a few days ago, flawlessly. now I can't get it to start

Edited by N7u7k7e
@ czar
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On 4/22/2022 at 12:48 PM, killerownsu said:

sandcrabs need an update
I do not understand this 

the bot was running for 3 hours and only got 13k exp holy jesus  

my account will be banned soon watch

mines working fine at sand crabs if you would like you can pm me and we can try get this sorted out for you. mines getting 40k xp per hour at 60-att 55 str

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Guys please update clients to .46 if you haven't already. 


New Update (v292.2)

- Changed pathfinding algorithm
-- Web-setting 2 is now the first option
- Added vyres, meiyerditch labs, better brimhaven steels, brine rats
-- Please make sure to add items to your inventory loadout (e.g. spade for brines, or 875 gp for brimhaven etc)

More updates coming, got a huge to-do list of nice feature requests to take care of <3 The pathfinding wasn't letting some users run the bot properly it should be better in this version. Will auto-update within 24 hrs.

Edited by Czar
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Hi Czar, thank you for this amazing fighter script with so many advanced features, I have a few queries below that I couldn't find the answer easily:

- breaks: does the script support custom breaks instead of osbot breaks? seems I couldn't find the break settings in the setup window

- Equipment: do I need to equip all the items before starting the script? I enabled "Always equip when possible" but it is not equipping my items

- explanation on features: As there are so many options to select from in the setup window, is there a place I can read what each option does? 

- how does "Auto upgrade amour" work? does it work for both melee and range outfit? like addy > rune and green d'hide > blue d'hide

- what does the 2 | deposit all, 1 deposit all 2 in the script gui mean?


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Yes overriding breaks will be using the F5 key and the tile should light up brown, it'll use that over the normal tile

Trials enabled gl sir

Thank you for the support @jujusock first of all I will commit to doing a better job providing information about the script in the main thread, will edit it with a more informative design.

- Breaks: if we don't select a custom break tile the bot will just break as soon as it leaves combat. I highly recommend setting a custom tile using the F5 key (CTRL to bring up all the hotkeys)
- For equipment we need to select checkboxes for equipment slots, e.g. hat/weapon/shield, type name and then tick the Banking icon so it withdraws items from bank. If it had the items in inventory and didn't equip them, could potentially be a problem which I'll take care of.
- The setup window is pending a massive rewrite over the years I've been adding new options quickly to speed up updates (and reduce waiting times) at the expense of a simpler GUI. The new setup window will have more explanations, you'll see less features that you didn't ask for e.g. new cannon tab will only be shown if selected cannon etc.
- Auto upgrade atm will not withdraw new armour from bank (only sees inventory items) it just tries equip the next level gear from bronze -> dragon (melee) and shortbow -> magic shortbow (ranged). We don't have d'hide armour there just yet but I'll add it to the list ASAP. Mage is also on the list for upcoming updates.
- These are development texts only for me, I will hide them my apologies :doge:  it's related to the banking system and supposed to let us know which banking conditions are not met yet, e.g. there's one for "restore health A" if returning to bank with lower health

I will clarify these options in the main thread too, just to make sure there is no confusion <3

Edited by Czar
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Thanks @Czar for the quick and detailed reply <3

Thanks also for the trial but I have already purchased this and many other scripts of yours 😛

I wanted to follow up on breaks though: 
I can see there are setting for break tiles but I can't see any for break minutes, i.e. how many minutes to bot and how many minutes to break. Are those settings available in the setup window? or the script currently support only the breaking system from OSBot client itself? 

I am using the bottinghub manage, it will be very useful to have those break settings configured in profile txt. Else I need to manually enable the OSBot breaks for each of the bot myself unless there is a way to configure OSBot breaks that I am not aware of.

Regarding break tiles does it mean the script will move player to the tile before breaking? 

Again amazing script and effort and I can't imagine how you can maintain all of the scripts alone <3


EDIT: I am testing Chaos Druids in Edgeville Dungeon, it seems walk settings 1 will get stuck at the wilderness gate as it is not able to get through the wilderness warning dialog. I tested walk settings 2 and it is able to handle that

I have tested Al Kharid warrior as well and it stops attack them after a while, I have tried standing both inside and outside the room and seeing the same behaviour

It also appears that the walk-settings is not getting saved in the profile txt, I tried saving two profile txts with different walk settings but the txt content are the same

Finally I saw the v292.2 update a few posts above but when mine is still at 291.4 :( I tried refreshing the script list in OSBot but are there other steps needed to fetch the latest version?

Edited by jujusock
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3 hours ago, Crazeysniper said:

Hello Czar, just want to get some good combat XP in with some decent gp per hour.  What do you recommend with your script?  Rune dragons?  If so what are the requirements I need for the monsters you recommend?  Quests, certain skill levels, gear....etc.....


Heres a list of profitable monsters in oldschool runescape.


good xp and good money usually don't go hand in hand so I would suggest looking at one or the other. I have had success with Perfect Fighter in many locations on many npcs. If your having trouble finding npcs to fight there are presets in the top I have only used sand crabs of these options tho.


14 hours ago, jujusock said:

Thanks @Czar for the quick and detailed reply <3

Thanks also for the trial but I have already purchased this and many other scripts of yours 😛

I wanted to follow up on breaks though: 
I can see there are setting for break tiles but I can't see any for break minutes, i.e. how many minutes to bot and how many minutes to break. Are those settings available in the setup window? or the script currently support only the breaking system from OSBot client itself? 

I am using the bottinghub manage, it will be very useful to have those break settings configured in profile txt. Else I need to manually enable the OSBot breaks for each of the bot myself unless there is a way to configure OSBot breaks that I am not aware of.

Regarding break tiles does it mean the script will move player to the tile before breaking? 

Again amazing script and effort and I can't imagine how you can maintain all of the scripts alone <3


EDIT: I am testing Chaos Druids in Edgeville Dungeon, it seems walk settings 1 will get stuck at the wilderness gate as it is not able to get through the wilderness warning dialog. I tested walk settings 2 and it is able to handle that

I have tested Al Kharid warrior as well and it stops attack them after a while, I have tried standing both inside and outside the room and seeing the same behaviour

It also appears that the walk-settings is not getting saved in the profile txt, I tried saving two profile txts with different walk settings but the txt content are the same

Finally I saw the v292.2 update a few posts above but when mine is still at 291.4 :( I tried refreshing the script list in OSBot but are there other steps needed to fetch the latest version?

I believe breaks are handled by the client not perfect fighter.

make sure to disable all relevant warnings I don't believe it handles those dialogues.


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hey there bud been running this for awhile love this script, i started doing some blue drags in taverly the first metal gate that wakes up two suits of armour i get bugged on that gate ( i learned to manually watch soon as i walk past even a few tiles ) it knows the new path, unless u can open gate with a certain quest im unsure still noob myself just heads up

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9 hours ago, forumaccount said:

Heres a list of profitable monsters in oldschool runescape.


good xp and good money usually don't go hand in hand so I would suggest looking at one or the other. I have had success with Perfect Fighter in many locations on many npcs. If your having trouble finding npcs to fight there are presets in the top I have only used sand crabs of these options tho.


I believe breaks are handled by the client not perfect fighter.

make sure to disable all relevant warnings I don't believe it handles those dialogues.


Wasn't aware there those warnings can be toggled off, will give it a go. Thanks for your help

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