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Hey man,

Update on the above: the plugin is AFK resetting with the use of F5. Additionally, I can't seem to make any use of the green crosshair tile selector. It doesn't seem to make any difference where I place it. I just wanted to report this back to you. I figured you might want to know. Personally, I am happy with the AFK work around method. Your normal script works so well and I have been super happy with it. 

Edited by RK9
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@RK9 Thank you, I've noticed a couple things which need changing in the code thanks to your help <3 I'll post another update tonight after testing on my main Also, any bans lately? I've seen stronghold have insanely good rates these days, I've also been doing minotaurs on my low lvl account, will also get this on the NW flesh crawlers hopefully soon and then ultimately at spiders xD

@keldra1993 Added to main thread, that is insane!! <3 Beats my record there too, I've yet to try chickens with the mouse offscreen option, which is really helpful imo :D Seems you've outlasted many bots there too xD Huge thumbs up to you sir 👍

Rune drags and POH, I've recently added an update for POH healing (heals if applicable), lemme know how it goes. I've also added poh jewellery teleports, but some of them are untested since I don't have the construction level to access all of them, however code-wise they are super similar, albeit some differences with the hotkeys/teleport names. I've authed you a trial enjoy, feel free to leave some feedback/suggestions.

Authed all trials enjoy guys.

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Brutal black dragons plugin is a lil bit fucky when you have to choose bankin condition "no pray pots" "loot full" or "no food"... of course it should bank for all them reasons, hard to choose just one of them options when everytime you get hit more or less from the dragons, sometimes you ran out of food and die before loot is full, and sometime you have full inv with plenty of food left..

and seems to be only supported for crossbows, or blowpipe with "longrange" option, with rapid style it wants to keep longer distance from the dragon than possible, and keeps running back and forth..

and just ran out of pray points and died while typing this....😞

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13 hours ago, Czar said:

@RK9 Thank you, I've noticed a couple things which need changing in the code thanks to your help <3 I'll post another update tonight after testing on my main Also, any bans lately? I've seen stronghold have insanely good rates these days, I've also been doing minotaurs on my low lvl account, will also get this on the NW flesh crawlers hopefully soon and then ultimately at spiders xD

@keldra1993 Added to main thread, that is insane!! <3 Beats my record there too, I've yet to try chickens with the mouse offscreen option, which is really helpful imo :D Seems you've outlasted many bots there too xD Huge thumbs up to you sir 👍

Rune drags and POH, I've recently added an update for POH healing (heals if applicable), lemme know how it goes. I've also added poh jewellery teleports, but some of them are untested since I don't have the construction level to access all of them, however code-wise they are super similar, albeit some differences with the hotkeys/teleport names. I've authed you a trial enjoy, feel free to leave some feedback/suggestions.

Authed all trials enjoy guys.

yo man thanks for reply and auth. i dont have rune drags avail atm so wont be able to test just yet haha but when i do ill ask for another trial if u dont mind. the POH healing and POH jewlery teleoprts sounds perfect so once im at that stage i will come back and test if thats alright. thanks for ur response

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another strange bug i found, this has happened like 5 times now (all times) to me, when killing blue dragons as slayer task at falador.

im using "teleport tab" and "falador" teleport for banking, and the script banks just fine without problems when out of food and goin for more food. but everytime i finish my slayer task (exit when slayertask done option enabled) the scipt just stands still at blue dragons doing nothing, gets stuck trying to bank. (return to bank before stopping scipt option enabled) and keeps logging itself inn after auto-logout for being afk for too long, so i just had my acc stand there for almost 2 hours doing nothing hope i didnt get flagged😅 

hope i gave enough info.. Heres the logger::

[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: We are more than 5 tiles away from our destination ([x=2899, y=9801, z=0])
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: tele DOACTION Matey
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: The action is: Falador teleport spell
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: Added event (Stop condition terminate)!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: An action is now running, delaying everything else temporarily...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: exec event (Stop condition terminate)
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: Walking to nearest bank, preparing for stop condition...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: Currently banking!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: Terminating script Perfect Fighter...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: Walking to preferred bank: Falador west...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: We are using force_path right now, from [x=2899, y=9801, z=0], to: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: Webwalker emergency! Attempting to load locally...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: walk_suh no path found between [x=2899, y=9801, z=0] and [x=2945, y=3368, z=0] .. 
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetWalker: Wait 1s until we move 1"
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: We are using force_path right now, from [x=2899, y=9801, z=0], to: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2899, y=9801, z=0] and target: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:37 em]: walk_suh no path found between [x=2899, y=9801, z=0] and [x=2945, y=3368, z=0] .. 
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:38 em]: We are using force_path right now, from [x=2899, y=9801, z=0], to: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:38 em]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2899, y=9801, z=0] and target: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:38 em]: walk_suh no path found between [x=2899, y=9801, z=0] and [x=2945, y=3368, z=0] .. 
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:39 em]: Using route false to position [x=2945, y=3368, z=0] (6433) tiles away
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:39 em]: We are using force_path right now, from [x=2899, y=9801, z=0], to: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][03/20 08:37:39 em]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2899, y=9801, z=0] and target: [x=2945, y=3368, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!

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@cazr Hey man, I was giving the green dragons plugin a test run. I was using the "West 13" selection, and I noticed that the script will run there, but it will not attack the dragons unless a safespot is selected (this is without the "Enable safe-spot mode" selected). Also, it seems that it will not make use of the looting bag. Lastly, it appears that the script will not run back to town if the inventory is full/out of food. I'll try to do some more extensive testing later.

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Hello @Czar

I baught this bot like a few years ago, all the messages i send to you, through this forum, is replied by you. I'm very happy with the service you provide. 

From time to time i use this script, im almost a max main and i mostly do bosses.. but like once a month (or even once a half year) i use this script. but not abuse it, i baby sit reply to everyone. Mosty using this script on times when i ''usally'' would play. Yesterday i did hit my 1st 2 day ban by using this script and i would love to share how i actually played yesterday and whish slayer monsters i attacked. Maybe those places are watched now.. 

First i did 1 manual slayer task (so no bot use), did clues and farmrun, after i  used the script to kill elves at the irowith camp, after that i manually did farm run and completed a clue, did another manual slayer task, after that ofcourse the farmrun and went to the catacombs to kill greaters. after that i did the daily thingies, another farm run and a clue scroll.   >settings used: eat when full, inventory, auto spec dds, and loot items. and ofcourse watching netflix 😜

Next morning i wake up and see i caught a ban. - Besides this script, i do not use any other thing. no AHK no nothing. 

I must say, i'm pretty keen of your work, I love it and I abosolutely vote for your script. It's a master piece, unlucky RNG wasn't with me and i simpely shouldn't bot a account i'm not willing to lose. 

I'm quiting and will stop using this script just for the sake of not losing a near maxed, but if someone asks if i know a good script, it is the Perfect Fighter ofscourse 😉 


Cheers! <3 

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@Zemmer sad to hear this :( There was a small mass ban wave today sadly :( around the 9am GMT mark (?) Luckily my accs didn't get hit but I will be on the lookout and pause for a couple days. I'm edging toward 99 range shortly 50 hours left (97-99) will post pics, fingers crossed they don't ban. I am still glad you didn't get a perm ban though, 2 day bans are sometimes a good sign because it's like giving a second chance to botters <3

@RK9 Thank you <3 Yesterday I posted an update regarding GDK plugin and attacking, it should work better. The stronghold is still pending but it'll be improved too, same with BBD. Also I've tried replicating the looting bag issue, is your looting bag opened or closed? I'll make it work with both. And which settings did you select for returning to town/bank? I tried glory (equipped), should I add an update to always teleport by equipping the ammy/jewellery and then de-equipping it after reaching the bank? In case a pker attacks, or should I make it completely predicated on if we're being attacked by a player (or if a player is nearby). Up to you guys to choose :D 

@Mad Jew - will also check out the slayer/logout too: it shouldn't be a problem if the bot just auto-logged in and out for a couple hours, as long as it didn't do anything else for a couple hours like try open a bank but not be able to, etc. Also since it's monday, did you get hit with a ban? Please update us <3 For Brutal drags I'll add another condition, or perhaps a way to combine conditions, since the current conditions aren't realistic to be fair, I completely agree.

@greenranger55555 thank you <3 please update us on your progress. I'm ranging on my main atm :D Doing some slayer/normal combat in the catacombs not getting a lot of xp but I like it because no other players are nearby and it seems relatively safe to bot here xD

Major update coming up regarding feedback posted above, thanks guys <3 Also yesterday's update regarding GDK just went live, it was a small version change. The major version (v277.0) will be coded + posted tonight.

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13 hours ago, Czar said:

@RK9 Thank you <3 Yesterday I posted an update regarding GDK plugin and attacking, it should work better. The stronghold is still pending but it'll be improved too, same with BBD. Also I've tried replicating the looting bag issue, is your looting bag opened or closed? I'll make it work with both. And which settings did you select for returning to town/bank? I tried glory (equipped), should I add an update to always teleport by equipping the ammy/jewellery and then de-equipping it after reaching the bank? In case a pker attacks, or should I make it completely predicated on if we're being attacked by a player (or if a player is nearby). Up to you guys to choose :D 

Regarding the looting bag: I am not sure if it was open or closed. It was my first time using one, to be honest - ha. 

Town/bank: I was attempting to use glory (equipped). Would it be able to de-equip it once the ammy runs out of charges and replace it with another one? 

Pker attacks: I would make it predicated of if you're being attacked, as the dragons are generally camped by players, so teleporting on nearby players would cause it to just run out there and teleport back. 



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18 hours ago, Czar said:

@Mad Jew - will also check out the slayer/logout too: it shouldn't be a problem if the bot just auto-logged in and out for a couple hours, as long as it didn't do anything else for a couple hours like try open a bank but not be able to, etc. Also since it's monday, did you get hit with a ban? Please update us <3 For Brutal drags I'll add another condition, or perhaps a way to combine conditions, since the current conditions aren't realistic to be fair, I completely agree.

hehe thanks a lot, and also no i didnt get ban so still going strong 🤟😎

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Hey Czar,

I feel like this is a setting I'm missing. When I set a target area to attack monsters and a monster not in the target area attacks me from aggression I notice the bot keeps spamming targets in the area specified and not kill the one that just attacked me. Could you assist me if this is a setting I'm missing.


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