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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Hey Czar, The bot wont run for me for long periods of time in sand crabs, I will look at my screen and it would say disconect from server here is the log :



[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 03:56:48 PM]: "ss_rock_count" changed to "0"
[WARN][Bot #1][01/03 03:57:18 PM]: Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fighter...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Dumping save...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: "playstyle_loot_ammo" "0" "playstyle_activity" "1" "aio_fighter_attack_delay" "1" "ss_eat_bounds_2" "65" "ss_eat_bounds_1" "45" "playstyle_mm_walk" "0" "area_option" "0" "playstyle_aggression" "0" "ss_allow_longwalk" "0" "allow_varrock_upstairs" "1" "ss_force_fightzone" "1" "ab_mouse_outside" "0" "playstyle_afk" "0" "ss_crash_tile_hop" "0" "crab_type" "1" "enable_special_attacks" "0" "level_task_mode" "0" "worldhop_tile" "1" "ss_modern_eat" "1" "ss_no_food" "0" "afk_position_z" "0" "guideline_tile_z" "0" "afk_position_y" "3479" "worldhop_mode" "0" "playstyle_avoid_retaliate" "0" "rock_fight_tile_x" "1684" "rock_fight_tile_y" "3479" "rock_fight_tile_z" "0" "afk_position_x" "1684" "playstyle_loot_sw" "0" "drop_junk" "0" "afk_complete" "0" "bank_condition" "NO_FOOD" "ss_stopcon_safe" "0" "guideline_tile_y" "3478" "force_path" "1" "guideline_tile_x" "1685" 
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]:  ... success!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Killed 0 npcs, gained: 7,340 exp, ran for: 00:01:02:39.
[INFO][Bot #1][01/03 04:45:41 PM]: Make sure to post a progress report on the main thread!



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Hi Czar, 

Great Script! I am very happy with my purchase, managed to bot to 57 atk, def and str before getting banned (I'm assuming I was manually reported). To avoid this in the future, I tried running the Enable hop world function when there is a player within a 50 tile radius. I don't think I set this up properly because I tried approaching with an alt and it wouldn't hop worlds. Some help would be greatly appreciated. 



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I just want to give @Czar a quick shout out. I messaged him on discord about an additional Sand Crab location that is less populated and has many Sand Crabs. Within minutes he added the location to Perfect Fighter and was interested to see if i had any other ideas for improvements to the script. I work in private sector technology sales and this level of support is beyond what large companies such as Microsoft, Dell, or Adobe would ever offer. Thank you for all your hard work. 

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What am I supposed to type into this box for non botting mode in sand crab plugin? It's cut off so I don't know what it says.



Also when I set it up to bot sand crabs when I walk myself to a spot at the sand crabs it runs off to I have no idea where for quite some time until I manually stop the bot. I watched it go to catherby and keep walking northwest from there then turned around at some point to walk back past catherby until I eventually got tired of watching it and stopped the bot. 

Edited by Sevrep
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yo Czar ive found a new thing :D  script is working just awesome, but been using alot at caged ogres and 2 times ive found my acc stuck inside the cage trying to refill cannon wich is impossible because it doesnt realise its inside cage :D pretty sure this missclick to go inside happend because of lag... buut is this somehow fixable, making script notice if inside cage and leave??

edit:: or even just logout after couple of failed attempts?

Edited by Mad Jew
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What is the problem, I will help. Have you tried setting up a fight-bounds so the bot knows where to stay? Please confirm. I will run some tests there and add an update if necessary.

As for magic and mouse outside, I will check this out and add an update asap.

As for cannon and refilling when unreachable - fixed in v254.0, should be live now.

As for setting up sand crabs, if you plan on using the 'afk on my spot', you need to turn off the bot, stand on a good tile (near a crab) and start the bot while standing on that position so the bot will save and recognize that tile. As for the popup, I removed the input box, should be available in yesterday's update v254.0.

Herb sack - I am planning on adding this for v254.1 today, almost finished. So sorry for the delay.

Thanks for the kind words @Vi X let me know if you have any troubles there I will add more updates at sands. I recently added an update for the pathwalking there, please confirm if it needs changes or not for v254.1.

@onelasttime Updated world hopping system for v254.0, have you had a chance to try the new world hop settings? Please let me know how it goes.

Sand crabs and afking, have you enabled breaks? Please confirm. I think there is an update pending for breaks + sand crabs, I will see what I can do ASAP.

Superior slayer monsters: will be added in v254.1 today, I have the code all ready for pushing, just making sure everything else is ready and will post the entire update in one batch.

@Seriously did you enable the option 'save bounds after script exit'? It should override, in any case I will do a test run and add an update if necessary. Also the next update will include an auto-fill feature for typing in main/spec weapons automatically so you don't have to

Bastion potions: added in v254.0. Chickens and standing still, make sure that the npcs are reachable, have you tried the script near chickens or far away? Also does setting a fight bounds using the F7 key work better? Please confirm I will help more.

Stronghold of security: will do a test run there, are you using glory for teleporting? Please confirm.

Here's yesterday's update:

New Update (v254.0)

- Added Rune dragons
- Added 'wait for loot' and 'only loot my targets' for rune dragons (and other larger npcs such as dragons)
- Added new World Hop system
-- Hop conditions are: by player count, safespot busy, npcs in combat, players in fightbounds
- Added fail-safe for refilling cannon that is unreachable
- Added Bastion potion support
- Changes to sand crabs
- Added new spot for sand crabs
- Added more pathwalking for refreshing aggro at crabs
- Removed all other world hop functions
- Changes to the general multi-event system, will increase performance by a lot

More updates coming, expect another update (v254.1) today, will announce more! Thanks for all the feedback and support guys :D 

Update preview:



Please keep the posts and feedback coming guys, I am currently coding the next update as we speak.

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  On 1/11/2020 at 4:35 PM, Czar said:

@Seriously did you enable the option 'save bounds after script exit'? It should override, in any case I will do a test run and add an update if necessary. Also the next update will include an auto-fill feature for typing in main/spec weapons automatically so you don't have to


I haven't enabled anything in the misc 2 tab (that isn't automaticly enabled).

Spec weapon update sounds good. Will it pull names from a list or from your inventory? If you're making the list please add ornament/cosmetic weapon versions too (e.g. volcanic abyssal whip, Saradomin godsword (or) ).


Also, when running the script I cannot use keyboard at all (in the client/rs). No matter what input mode I have on.

Edited by Seriously
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