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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Posted a small update for v247.1, update will automatically go live within 24 hours ^^ :D This update is a bugfixing and tweaks update, more to come. All things that were reported in the last 3-4 pages are fixed, with the exception of a few (still awaiting on user responses and user setup windows) and will add another update following this one (from #.1 to #.2)


Posted 247.2, just fixed a bug for overriding potions thanks to @Promo all potion overrides work 100% flawlessly in this new update, thanks! :D

Another (main) update is being worked on as we speak, I am still working hard on getting multiple jewellery support flawless so things like ring of wealth + burning amulet combo can be supported together etc, same goes for expeditious/slaughter bracelets and separate amulets for teleporting and fighting.

I am re-writing the equipment, traveling, and banking systems to make them smarter, more humanlike, faster and more stable than before.

Also some things being worked on: loot my npc for slayer monsters, demonic gorillas, cannon expansion, new forthos dungeon support, world hopping changes, looting improvements, multiple HUDs, simpler setup window, taverley dungeon walking improvements, kourend dungeon improvements, potions, plugins etc.

Edited by Czar
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8 hours ago, Czar said:

I will debug the combat code for stopping script after X minutes, can you confirm if you got banned or not? Usually one mistake doesn't lead to ban, especially botting in low banrate area such as catacombs. In the meantime I will fix this for you ASAP :D

Yes I got hit with a temporary ban. 

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Hey Czar! Love your scripts! i was wondering, on the sandcrab plugins for the perfect fighter. when im on crab isle, how do i make it so my character runs away after 10 minutes when the crabs stop going agro? thanks! also any recommended settings? i noticed that when i set it to pick up coins that it going around the map pickin it up also. 

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For the ban luckily it wasn’t a permanent ban you got really lucky there, most people would have been perm banned tbh. The fight stop condition has been fixed it should work much better now, just please make sure to check your bot at least once per hour as a safety precaution ^^ :D

sand crabs - it should be running away to re-aggro unless either you are using full AFK mode or you are fighting in a spot which doesn’t have a long enough path to reset, or maybe you have no food and coins and the bot is trying to go bank to grab some food (even if you don’t need to eat) just to be safe. Try holding some food in inventory to see if it works? In any case just show me your setup and screenshot ingame and I will try fix it for you ^^ :D 

as for stronghold can you let me know if you tried plugin or non plugin for minotaurs? Also please send me any relevant console logs and/or screenshots of the setup window so I can help and add an update :D 

as for looting window yes I can make some changes, is there no scroll bar in the list? I will make an option to reduce the size of the item names :D or if you have any other suggestions, lemme know! :) Alphabetically/filtering sounds nice.

As for dragons and running away can you send me a screenshot of the setup window with all settings and copy/paste the console logger (in settings) so I can fix it for you :D will be much quicker if I know where to find the bug.

Thanks for all your feedback and support guys really appreciate it ^^ :D will let you know when and what the next update is ^^ :D 

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thanks for your reply.

is it possible when adding NPC's to fight, to add priority? For example: if prio 1 NPC is available, first kill NPC 1, prio 2 should be after.
for loot, the screen is too small and you are able to add items twice.
Perhaps prohibit 2-timing items, button to open the loot tab bigger (so it extends, but in another screen) so it's better to check.


thanks mann!!

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Nmz is only basic support so you can only do overload sipping and prayer flicking every random seconds, with auto retaliate enabled of course - not allowed due to market rules to do something like a full nmz due to there being 2 full ones with same price as fighter :( it has the main albeit simple features though ^^ :D I wanted you guys to have the best features in a bot possible :D 

as for npc prio system sounds like a good idea I will see what I can do :D 

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When using safe spot with banking. Instead of banking when loot full/no food. It keeps running towards bank and safe spot. Ending up taking tons of damage and getting killed.

Using ranged mode in F2P Hill giants. Smart safe spot. And returning to safe spot when being attacked and no loot left.

Walk to bank and walk to fight area.

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