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Perfect Fighter AIO


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@Promo screenshot your GUI all pages including overrides I will copy and debug, will fix override and expeditious for you, I just need to know how your setup is configured

@OneDayyXD is there a message on the console log saying why the script is stopping? Did you make sure to start the script with cannon in inventory and chose a tile for cannon using f1 key? 

@action44 breaking does not go well with fighting bots since it involves combat, but I will make sure it works better. Can you try enabling the option “go to bank for breaks” so the script will go to a safe zone (bank)? Otherwise there are too many npc areas for the bot to detect where a safe zone may be

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57 minutes ago, Czar said:

Let me give ammonites a test run, maybe the new client update changed something, will let you know asap ^^ :D 

as for slayer working on it as we speak in the same codebase as the fighter, more details TBA ^^ :D much appreciated :) 

damn dude!
You really got me excited.

atm rocking this fighter almost 8/10 tasks in Kourend dungeon, for every NPC got drop loot added. only thing I do is hand-run to get task and back to NPC.
can't  wait!!

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2 hours ago, dvzxd said:

how do i set the safespot , thanks !

Hello, stand on the tile you wish to use as safespot, then hit the F6 hotkey. You must have enabled either magic or range mode in the initial bot setup ^^ :D 

2 hours ago, magetrip said:

damn dude!
You really got me excited.

atm rocking this fighter almost 8/10 tasks in Kourend dungeon, for every NPC got drop loot added. only thing I do is hand-run to get task and back to NPC.
can't  wait!!

Yep, got walking down, just need to make an epic equipment/gear handler system and I will begin beta tests. :D

No promises, no official statement that slayer will be added, just want to see what I can do, purely a test

Disclaimer: for potential customers waiting to buy the script solely on slayer, don't buy it - this is a fighter script not a slayer script and I am not trying to break any forum or market rules.

5 minutes ago, Antisocialex said:

i bought this bot and im wondering if there are any guides to using specific monsters.

Hello, which monsters do you need help with, I will try and make it work better for you ^^ :D

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40 minutes ago, Czar said:

Hello, stand on the tile you wish to use as safespot, then hit the F6 hotkey. You must have enabled either magic or range mode in the initial bot setup ^^ :D 

Yep, got walking down, just need to make an epic equipment/gear handler system and I will begin beta tests. :D

No promises, no official statement that slayer will be added, just want to see what I can do, purely a test

Disclaimer: for potential customers waiting to buy the script solely on slayer, don't buy it - this is a fighter script not a slayer script and I am not trying to break any forum or market rules.

Hello, which monsters do you need help with, I will try and make it work better for you ^^ :D

im going task by task with slayer so im just getting the hang of it. I dont want to make the mistake of being banned as I was a few years ago, so i am baby sitting the bot as it goes through the tasks. 

I've done  steel dragons in brimhaven and had trouble with the interface but as i said, im getting used to the way the bot works. Any guides would help.

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