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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Hey Czar, just noticing the cannon support seems to be kinda broken atm!
It spams to fill the cannon (only adding 1-7 ammo) regardless if i set it anywhere 1-30. And by spamming the turret to fill it 24/7, it causes me to tank a lot of hits at places like black demons for no reason (running back and forth from the safe-spot tile to cannon-tile, very bot like rip). So it wont allow me to fight along side the cannon at all because of this spam. so cannon support seems unusable atm? :(

Hopefully i'm not just the only person experiencing issues with cannon, I've tried many variations of gui settings but nothing's working. is anyone able to use the feature atm, or maybe it's just me?

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Set keyboard input and hit the f6 key, it should register ^^ :D 

For cannon: did you start the script with cannon in inventory, walk to cannon spot, hit cannon hotkey, then let the script start? These steps are very important otherwise the script will not start correctly. Let me know if you did this exact setup and it still fills cannon wrong. I will debug ASAP. ^^ :D 

For dds I will not forget this one in the upcoming update ^^ :D Apologies for the delay until I get it down

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8 hours ago, Themedic said:

Does the bot work on gargoyles?
The bot kills them but it doesn´t seem able to be loot them and high alch those items. 
Also how can i save the set loot items.

I use it for this, it does work if you plan on staying there, banking/breaking does not work with this script though.

There's a drop down menu "file" on the top left that allows you to save the config, just go to the wiki and check for garg drops then just add them and click the alch or noted options after you type the name in the loot tab.  

You'll probably have to set a fight zone and use the "only loot in fight zone" option because if an item drops halfway across the map thats in your loot tab this script will either run and grab it or just sit there with the mouse hovered over it until it despawns. Also a good idea to watch it if your kills are talking to long because the "loot while in combat option" doesn't work. It will only pick the item up if you either eat, pot or finish your kill so if it takes to long to kill the next one others will get your drop unless you pick the wait for loot option combined with the only loot my target option but this dramatically slows down your kill count.

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Thanks for the feedback, I have noted these points down:

-> Loot while in combat
-> Add an option for 'Only loot items within X tile radius'
-> Try to add banking for gargoyles in slayer tower

Will be adding these in the new update then posting it live, will also post the full changelog of the new update. thank you for being patient guys, I don't want to get the update wrong, I need to make sure it's perfect. :D

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Blue dragon agility shortcut (taverley) may work with osbot's webwalker I need a confirmation on this one. I will be testing it right after I am done with the new update.

Guys, a quick status update on the new version: just finished re-writing special attacks system completely. All of you will be impressed with the new version ^^ :D:D Works amazingly well.

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Bugreport, bot keeps getting stuck on stronghold of security:

For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop):
- Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village')
Stronghold of security when entering last door to minotaurs (lvl27)
- Plugin or normal script?
Plug / Normal script
- Did you try all 3 walking options?

[INFO][Bot #1][01/26 05:31:01 PM]: Option detected - finding  option...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/26 05:31:04 PM]: Option detected - finding  option...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/26 05:31:04 PM]: SS doesnt fully: [No] and [No.]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/26 05:31:04 PM]: SS matches fully: [No.] and [No.]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/26 05:36:48 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Fatal error! Cycles threshold reached on Walk => [x=1903, y=5243, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][01/26 05:40:40 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fighter...


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