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35 minutes ago, Czar said:

For cannon, if the script stops loading the cannon, are you sure that the player is standing near the cannon? Also are there any logs/messages in the console logger? Please paste any. 

The script does attack crabs after they become non-aggressive, it walks south and north again. Al-kharid warriors: you gotta set food so the script doesn't go bank to search for food. Doors in stronghold of security: it works.


Yeah this it what it should do. Food is set like always. When crabs become unagressive, account just stands there. Doors wont open, account just stands there.

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Today logged in and found that both accounts is banned. Im sure its because this laggy script when bot just stands next to sand crab hours.


Log is full of these: 


[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 08:32:44 ap.]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=1734, y=3470, z=0] and target: [x=1700, y=3470, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!

Edited by topemie
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If you have any complaints you gotta screenshot and post your setup so I can use the same options and find the bug.

@topemie can you see if the rock crab works better in stealth injection? If you are using VIP, can you confirm you are launching the client correctly?

Also if there are any errors in console log please paste them. 

If you want the script to stay within a certain fight area, set the fight zone bounds using the F2 key and it will never leave or attack npcs outside (depends which options you enable)

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9 hours ago, x mult said:

i have food in my inventory and the bot back bank and stop in bank :( , please Fix this my bro 


17 hours ago, rshonest said:

Script is idling for way too long between killing an NPC to attacking the other, it usually clicks a spot on the mini map and wait like 10 secs before attacking the next one. 


21 hours ago, itsmejb4 said:

When fighting it keeps clicking the minimap mid-fight


On 12/25/2017 at 8:31 PM, Akrapovic said:

Hey Czar, got a question/problem. When I set up my bot at cows, located North at Lumbridge, it sometimes just randomly walks near the Draynor Village castle. It happens many times. Settings: walk pattern 1, cows/calves and hit start. 


On 12/25/2017 at 2:03 PM, faruk141 said:

the script goes banking even if i have food left . idk why. then it gets stuck in the bank


On 12/25/2017 at 1:06 PM, miniman said:

Don't think its just a sand crab issue, the script just stops working after about 18 minutes. If its close to a bank it will walk there and stop, if not then it just stands there doing nothing. The clients break timer and dismiss option for randoms also doesn't work while running this script.


On 12/25/2017 at 9:11 AM, topemie said:

Today logged in and found that both accounts is banned. Im sure its because this laggy script when bot just stands next to sand crab hours.


Log is full of these: 


[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 08:32:44 ap.]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=1734, y=3470, z=0] and target: [x=1700, y=3470, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!


On 12/24/2017 at 3:03 PM, miniman said:

Stopped playing for a few months, when I left this script was amazing. Trying to use it now makes me sad, somewhere between 18-20 minutes it will just randomly try to bank then gets stuck in loop at the bank. Doesn't matter what settings you use its the same thing over and over.


On 12/23/2017 at 10:33 PM, topemie said:

When sandscrabs become unagressive bot just stands there next to crab. Can you fix that?

Stop replying with these useless replies, me as a scripter i know how it feels, trying to look into a huge script like this without having nearly 0-1/10 info, @Czar already has a bug report template, if u use it, surely it will help the scripter more and it will benefit u from getting faster updates.

Bug Report templates:

New feature request
- What is the new feature
- Basic description of what the script should do
- Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc.
For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop):
- Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village')
- Plugin or normal script?
- Did you try all 3 walking options?
Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows)
- What is the bug
- How did you make the bug happen
- (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something
- Tried client restart?
- Normal script or a plugin?
- Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc.
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On 5/12/2016 at 9:15 AM, Czar said:

Basic description of what the script should do. Fight without constantly randomly clicking the minimap - Basic actions for the script: stay in combat and wait for it to finish   For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop): Sometimes it spam clicks the minimap other times it clicks away on the minimap - Plugin or normal script?  normal - Did you try all 3 walking options?   What is the bug  explained above- How did you make the bug happen- just having it fight frogs in f2p (optional) recommendation for the bug, stay in combat and wait for it to finish - Tried client restart? yes- Normal script - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. none besides antiban tick enabled


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