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Set the layout to 1 chaos rune and block it it should do the trick. In the meantime I will make some tweaks to the banking code. :D 

Also, if there is a bank which isn't supported let me know I will add it to the list. Most likely a Zeah bank right? 

Thanks :D 

Edited by Czar
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Nope , same thing still happened . I set fire rune and mind rune to 1 and then blocked. goes to bank deposits all loot . Then it just sits there.

if i manually withdraw the food it will then close to bank menu and run back to fight..


Is it Possible to get a perfect agility trial :)

Edited by AcidReign
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@Czar yoo, i got couple questions about sand crab plugin.

Have you added Break Tiles to crabs plugin? 

What bot does, when he comes back from Break / refreshing aggro and finds player in spot? I remember it would just afk there without changing worlds

Does world hopping works from player numbers? i tryed that quet some time ago and it would try logout while in combat so yh.

I have found my account quet couple times in charter shit @ port sarim. I assume it would try bank somewhere instead of chest close to sand crabs place. Have you saw that happening?

In general is it worth to re-new vip just for crabs plugin right now? I need to pump up few pures for one dude, but i'm not sure if i should go with this or just buy private script..would prefere this one just to save up $$ :D

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Hmm give me an update or two to brush up on sand crabs plugin script requests, I will let you know when to re-purchase VIP and start botting sand crabs again. I need to know what's causing the script to sometimes go to port sarim when banking :s 

Will add a quick patch for banking runes, then another follow-up update for sand crabs plugin today. Versions today will be v187.6 and ultimately v187.7.

Also, activated magic script gl :) 

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Just logged in to update 187.5, Noted you added a new feature when fighting with range? It seems to move +2 Squares away after being attacked by melee combat, it repeatedly does this and sometimes gets stuck clicking around unclickable places such as walls or water, or ends up way further from the fighting zone? This option doesnt seem to be toggle-able ...

Currently fighting Rats & Giant Rats in varrock sewer


EDIT: Tried killing cows in lumbridge and it does the same mechanism, trying to move away +2 Squares away; ending up in being dangerously stuck in a loop..

Might be due RS update or I don't know but this issue is seriously messing up my training schedule, please look into this


EDIT2: Doing this at guards in varrock doesn't get this mechanism going, it's a strange bug atm...

Note that this is all in the main plugin; it seems Stronghold plugin doesnt get any of these issues


2017-04-06 14_35_35-OSBot 2.4.118.png


Edited by Jardem
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Script doesn't work properly after recent update. Once it clicks a monster to attack, it'll repeatedly click over and over on random tiles even if it's already fighting the current monster. Ran for 20 - 30 minutes before I stopped the script since it made my character look too bot-like.


Can you take a look at it, thanks. 

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Enable the stand away tile option and set it to 0 tiles it seems to be a temporary fix.

I have fixed it and the new version will be 187.6 today. Hopefully not too much trouble guys. ^^ :) 

As for eat for loot, hmm it should only eat if inventory full, is it still not eating? :o 


Been using this script from 1-90 slayer on many different npcs, but today is the first time that this happens. 

Having the same issue as everyone

Edited by x2xconkerx2x
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