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Perfect Fighter AIO


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I am having the problem where I am trying to kill blue drags in taverley but the bot is killing baby blue dragons aswell.

They are definitely not on the task list. I have tried not retaliating but that seems to break the bots ability to not attack a dragon that is being attack by someone else (it just spams clicks a drag being killed by someone else). 

I have tried using fightzones but Im not really sure how to use them as I set a zone up using F7 but the bot walks out the zone and kills blue drags anyway.

Can someone explain fightzones to me.

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@Czar sometimes the script works really good and sometimes it run around like a chicken with its head cut off. i can't be babysitting it 24/7 but i have tried restarting client and it still has problem. I have safespot set and fight zone but it runs away and then runs back. logger doesn't say much. i think ill stop botting with this script as i dont want to get banned due to malfunctioning of script. 

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New Update (v188)

- Added stand away X tiles from npc target option
- Added an update for safespotting and fightzones (metal dragons)
- Big bones are now prioritized if using b2p mode
- Added alerts for prayer potion (when prayer reaches X points)
- Select all button disappear bug fixed


update will go live within 24 hours automatically, good luck everyone ^^ :D 

Edited by Czar
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Is there a trick to making it withdraw food , or is there some foods it doesn't support?

I have used it at few different locations incase one of the banks wasn't supported.

but i still seem to be having the same issue. It will deposit the loot but will not withdraw any food, though i have specified Trout x20 or something similar.



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