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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Hi, script isn't working :/


Many thanks,


Hi, any errors?


edit: Just tested, script is launching and working fine, but you must be more specific, this script has SO many features. If stronghold, then the latest update has fixed the walking system, we just gotta wait for update to go live biggrin.png



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After awhile im back to try my luck at OSRS again. Could i have a trial for this script again? So i can see how it has improved, i will buy it if i like it. :D


Stronghold script certainly works better, ill say. 


I have a question about the Orber aswell, Czar, is it going to be with your AIO Magic script or separate?


Good luck with your work, Czar.

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New update: v123


- Added another update for sand crabs

- Added another update for guthans mode


update will be live within a few hours, gl everyone ^^ :D


@scruffy thanks for kind words, glad to hear the script worked well :D


@rock/sand crab users don't worry I will never stop adding updates until all rock/sand crab features are 100% flawless, apologies if it takes a few updates or so :(

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Hey mate first of all I'd like to say I love this script - however there is room for the following improvements:


- Looting anything over x gp has never worked for me. Just picks up everything. If i set 5000gp for example, it'll pick up everything including bones etc.

- I believe mentioned in the description it says that looting items saves for the next time - is this true? If so, it doesn't work for me/I don't know how to activate it.

- Could you add a teleport out option for DMM? That is, if it sees someone it instantly teleports out if available.


Other than that the script is great, as are your others. Thanks!

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