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Perfect Blast Furnace


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Ok.. I got a trial fdor this bot and stopped it within 5 minutes:


It's starting in a path.. The way it speaks to the dwarf, the way it deposits gp into the coffer. 

It's withdrawing system is terribly slow and in 5 inventories I have never seen someone fill up the coal rack like that (filling it up till full, and then adding iron ores..

I got a coal bag, meaning you take 27 coal from bank, then add that to the furnace the first time.

Then after the first run: you take 27 coal, put it into coal bag, then 27 iron in inventory, deposit iron, withdraw coal, deposit coal, withraw steel bars, bank, repeat.

Not fill up till full on coal, then run WITH the coalbag to the furnace and back to put iron in and collect steel bars.


So, it might look like a good script, but i'm pretty sure why this banrate is pretty high.

Won't be purchasing, unfortunately (I own other scripts from this maker, they all work fine)


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Update coming up for the withdrawing system speed, as for the sequence, I can easily randomize it for extra anti-ban (the coffer, the dwarf) ^^ :D 

As for the coal order, I was unaware of that method to start it, hmm I can add an option for starting the script with an inventory filled coal and a filled coal bag, not sure I completely understand it though :o 

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Update coming up for the withdrawing system speed, as for the sequence, I can easily randomize it for extra anti-ban (the coffer, the dwarf) ^^ :D 

As for the coal order, I was unaware of that method to start it, hmm I can add an option for starting the script with an inventory filled coal and a filled coal bag, not sure I completely understand it though :o 


Let me help you a bit then (I didnt purchase the script, but I can help you test it, if you need me to) :)


So, you only need half the coal to make steel bars, so coal:iron ore = 1:1 

If you have a coalbag, you can keep an entire inventory of coal in the bag (27 pieces)

If you first drop the coal on the conveyor, you can then add iron ore (if you first do iron ore, you will get 27 iron bars instead of steel) but as you can't withdraw coal from your coalbag if your inventory is full of iron, you need to create a small inventory of 27 coal in the furnace first.


1. So you take out 27 coal on the first bank

2. put it on the conveyor

3. Take out 27 coal from the bank

4. Put it in the coalbag (Make sure you dont press the button on the bottom to confirm there's coal placed in the bag.. it currently does that and no sane person has ever clicked on that)

5. take out 27 iron ore

6. Put iron ore on conveyor

7. Withraw coal from coalbag (again making sure to not confirm the chatbox that you took out the coal)

8. put coal on conveyor

9. withdraw steel bars from hotplate


Repeat steps 3-9

With at the end, still 27 coal in the furnace, and assuming you took equal portions, only withdrawing iron ore for the last run. (so I think in your script you have to remember that you have coal in stock in the furnace.


For mithril you'd do the following: take out 27 coal, put it in coalbag, take out 9 coal, take out 18 mithril. In this case, as you cant make anything out of mithril ore without coal, it doesnt matter if you did not stock up the coal in the furnace.

I can imagine that with mithril, as you are not making 27 bars each run, it could be more useful to just fill up the furnace with coal, but by my understanding, the 18 mith bars method is still faster.


Again, I can help you out with some testing, just pm me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:31:54 PM]: Going to bank now! null | null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:31:54 PM]: Walking to blast furnace bank, make sure mouse/camera zoom is far away for more viewport = higher efficiency
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:01 PM]: go bank 1
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:01 PM]: Going to bank now! null | null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:01 PM]: Walking to blast furnace bank, make sure mouse/camera zoom is far away for more viewport = higher efficiency
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:07 PM]: go bank 1
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:07 PM]: Going to bank now! null | null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:07 PM]: move there
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:09 PM]: Dialogue detected: [63]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:11 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Blast Furnace...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/03 07:32:11 PM]: Script Perfect Blast Furnace has exited!



Has this problem when banking and tring to remove the rune ore, there is over 500 there but it cant seem to find it.

Edited by NullPointerX
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Paints disappear for each client when I open a new one. The script still runs properly on all clients. Just no paint and the "Disable Input" feature breaks. This seems to be a problem with OSBot itself more than likely, but I figured I should ask to see if you knew of a fix. @Czar
Edited by Eligeion
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Mio changed the title to Perfect Blast Furnace

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