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Perfect Blast Furnace


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@Czar Is this script going to be updated in near future?

1. Can u make an option to disable the Paint.

2. Can you add a mule option where after each script run bars are sold and 7k ore repurchased the rest gp put on mule account.

3. GE is broken it teles to varrock and stands by fountains does not go to ge to repurchase ores. and needs to go back via cart method in GE.


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Hmm GE mode is beta + delicate and if the script is interrupted it can mess up the script, make sure to have varrock tabs and enable the minigame teleport for blast furnace, if the script is stopped mid-ge mode you gotta restart it over again :( the script doesn't support other travel modes just yet but they will be implemented very soon :D 

As for gold ore stopping the script, it's technically supported but I will run some tests I guess, I have goldsmith gauntlet update coded fully but it's untested, I can't release an untested update, will be testing and pushing the update ASAP. :D 

Disable paint option coming up :D 

Mule option - so the script should trade leftover gp to a new account? Or is there more to it?

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56 minutes ago, Czar said:

Hmm GE mode is beta + delicate and if the script is interrupted it can mess up the script, make sure to have varrock tabs and enable the minigame teleport for blast furnace, if the script is stopped mid-ge mode you gotta restart it over again :( the script doesn't support other travel modes just yet but they will be implemented very soon :D 

As for gold ore stopping the script, it's technically supported but I will run some tests I guess, I have goldsmith gauntlet update coded fully but it's untested, I can't release an untested update, will be testing and pushing the update ASAP. :D 

Disable paint option coming up :D 

Mule option - so the script should trade leftover gp to a new account? Or is there more to it?



doesn't really apply for me anymore since i got up to 75 smith, but if doing gold make sure they swap to ice gloves after xp drop and then put goldsmith back on after the bars are collected

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  • 3 weeks later...

An update is coming up to make retrieving bars code better than it already is, stay tuned guys :D 

Activated trials gl :D 



Update v27 has been added, should go live within 24 hours gl guys :D Gold ore stopping script should be fixed, it's not supported with GE yet though.

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[INFO][Bot #1][07/14 02:43:25 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2758, y=3477, z=0] and target: [x=2840, y=10127, z=0], report this to Czar immediately! 


receiving pathfinding errors no matter where I start after receiving 30 smithing/quests.

EDIT: Figured out a fix. This error was occuring after the quests/receiving 30 smithing and trying to get to Keldagrim. I manually had to walk there and start the blast furnace quest and the bot started working fine. 

One other problem is the gp/hr seems to be innacurate. Not sure where the values are pulled from but its quite higher then what im actually getting. It is calculating steel bars being made for a 217gp profit when its around 130-140 right now. Honestly feeling a bit baited by the gp/hr since its twice what im actually getting.

Edited by rankor
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