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Dispute against iJodix


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Disputed member: @iJodix

Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/97601-07-skiller-99-agilityhunter-no-bans/

Explanation: When I purchased the account from @iJodix I stated that I wanted to do a recovery test, and if it were to fail then I wanted a refund/trade back. We tried doing a recovery test 3 times, with slightly different information each time, and I even tried using an IP near where he lives. They all failed. Since they failed, I want a refund/trade back and he won't respond on skype or on OSBot. I know hes been online and has read my OSBot pm, yet he still doesn't respond.


Picture of recovery tests failing (I deleted the email I got for the first attempt)



Picture of him saying he was okay with refunding/trade back if the tests were to fail.



Images of the explaination of why the requests were denied. Seems like he gave false info.




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I was busy for a while .. that doesn't mean i am ignoring, that is not nice of you to post a dispute without even waiting a reply from me on skype.


Anyways, the information i gave you is 100% correct, you also have the information about the account/you own it right now, how am i now supposed to take it back if you have the information of the account .. ?

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I was busy for a while .. that doesn't mean i am ignoring, that is not nice of you to post a dispute without even waiting a reply from me on skype.


Anyways, the information i gave you is 100% correct, you also have the information about the account/you own it right now, how am i now supposed to take it back if you have the information of the account .. ?

well clearly it isn't working for him, so he can give you it back once you refund.

Also you read his message on osbot yet ignore that part of his response.

Refund him within 48 hours.

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He is still insisting we try more recovery tests. And is now accusing me of using false information on the tests


He wants me to screen share using the information he gave me so he knows I'm not trying to pull anything, I agree to doing this. Will do it later tonight as I am not home currently.

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