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Juggles AIO Fighter


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Had this when I had put break 10 mins after every hour:

[WARN][Bot #1][07/29 10:43:00 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/29 10:43:00 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][07/29 10:43:03 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
[ERROR][Bot #1][07/29 10:45:42 AM]: Error in script executor!
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.NodeDequeIteratorG.<init>(zi:280)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.IIIiIiiIiiii(pk:267)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.getCombatTime(pk:151)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.isUnderAttack(pk:274)
	at GSScript.auX.K(l:19)
	at GSScript.auX.match(l:71)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.FilterAPI.filter(nn:45)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(lk:190)
	at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(lk:52)
	at GSScript.GSScript.onLoop(l:71)
	at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ih:92)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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do you think you could add

  for example

Cow, Cow calf ,      so for 2 mosters? and how about multi combat? if your in a multi zone you can attack more


your script is my favrote combat scrirpt on the SDN right now Great job keep it up (;



so far... you script has started my pure with 56 range and 60 mage with no ban yet and I'm amazed nice simple bot love keep it up.

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