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Mirror Mode dialogues/widgets


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  • Mirror client version: I guess 2.1

  • Console output / terminal output: See pic below

Crash report if a crash occurred: There was no crash

Script that you ran: Stealth Quester

Hooks that failed: Dialogues maybe?

JVM/Browser bit version (32 / 64): Unknown


It's from a beta tester, so I couldn't provide the exact info but here's the post: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/92297-stealth-quester/page-23




This appeared 5 mins after @MGI told me to remove the warning regarding Mirror Mode being unstable from my script. It apparently keeps spamming the first option. It's dialogues.inDialogue() and dialogues.completeDialogue()  that are invoked there. The debug messages show 3 minutes ellapsed since end of webwalking event which is when he arrived at Sedridor, during which the bot apparently only clicked the first option and failed to complete the dialogue. Also some time ago someone reported that the bot when attempting to teleport to barbarian outpost using a games necklace, it will keep selecting the first option (which is not barbarian outpost). In this case the script searches for a widget containing "Barbarian Outpost" string and interacts with it.



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  • Mirror client version: I guess 2.1
  • Console output / terminal output: See pic below
  • Crash report if a crash occurred: There was no crash
  • Script that you ran: Stealth Quester
  • Hooks that failed: Dialogues maybe?
  • JVM/Browser bit version (32 / 64): Unknown


It's from a beta tester, so I couldn't provide the exact info but here's the post: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/92297-stealth-quester/page-23




This appeared 5 mins after @MGI told me to remove the warning regarding Mirror Mode being unstable from my script. It apparently keeps spamming the first option. It's dialogues.inDialogue() and dialogues.completeDialogue()  that are invoked there. The debug messages show 3 minutes ellapsed since end of webwalking event which is when he arrived at Sedridor, during which the bot apparently only clicked the first option and failed to complete the dialogue. Also some time ago someone reported that the bot when attempting to teleport to barbarian outpost using a games necklace, it will keep selecting the first option (which is not barbarian outpost). In this case the script searches for a widget containing "Barbarian Outpost" string and interacts with it.



Also encountered this problem with my Construction script. Mirror client struggles to search for strings in widgets/dialogues. To fix this you should make it interact with the number of the sentence.


lets say you need to have the barbarian outpost string, this would be the 2nd option of 3 available. This would have you do --> dialogues.selectOption(2);


This worked for me, should use this untill this gets fixed.

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  • Developer


  • Mirror client version: I guess 2.1
  • Console output / terminal output: See pic below
  • Crash report if a crash occurred: There was no crash
  • Script that you ran: Stealth Quester
  • Hooks that failed: Dialogues maybe?
  • JVM/Browser bit version (32 / 64): Unknown


It's from a beta tester, so I couldn't provide the exact info but here's the post: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/92297-stealth-quester/page-23




This appeared 5 mins after @MGI told me to remove the warning regarding Mirror Mode being unstable from my script. It apparently keeps spamming the first option. It's dialogues.inDialogue() and dialogues.completeDialogue()  that are invoked there. The debug messages show 3 minutes ellapsed since end of webwalking event which is when he arrived at Sedridor, during which the bot apparently only clicked the first option and failed to complete the dialogue. Also some time ago someone reported that the bot when attempting to teleport to barbarian outpost using a games necklace, it will keep selecting the first option (which is not barbarian outpost). In this case the script searches for a widget containing "Barbarian Outpost" string and interacts with it.



will check those methods


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I have also been having this problem.


For me dialogues.inDialogue() usually works, but not always works in mirror mode. So instead I use alternative method (widgets.isVisible(231) || widgets.isVisible(219))


Also, I have problems using this in mirror, again related to widgets - this code block NEVER works and gives me exceptions (works fine in regular mode):

// BUGGY with mirror mode...
            RS2Widget[] optionWidgets = s.widgets.getWidgets(219, 0);
            if(optionWidgets != null && optionWidgets.length == 5) {
                if(optionWidgets[1].getMessage().equals("I think I'll give it a miss.") && optionWidgets[2].getMessage().equals("Yes please.")) {
                    if(s.keyboard.typeKey('2')) {
                        if(waitUntilOptionGone()) KebabBuyer.kebabsBought++;
Edited by MegaManAlpha
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