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T14: RS Paint, Text


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very nice!!! However, i'm not sure what the grid represents. Is it just like 10x10 pixel wide from top left or is it moveable?


Also, does it snap to points of interest (eg chatbox edges)? :DDD


really keen  to try this out when you finish it tho my dear




The current grid spacing is 16x16 which should theoretically align nicely with the RS interface components (it seems that way at least) but since my screenshot has a slight offset  it's... off, a proper screenshot should clean that up (I hope). 


The grid will be customizable though (row height, column width, vertical offset, horizontal offset, etc..)


You can "snap-to-grid" move and resize layers , when I properly align the background and grid it should "snap" to certain RS components if not then I'll have to write a second snapping handler, which probably will be a piece of cake with the current architecture.


Thanks bb <3

this devalues my paint dont approve kappa


Goal achieved :kappa:

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