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what do you think about beards ?


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I just started growing one as you can kind of see in my picture. Feels awesome. I might be going for some kind of duck dynasty beard but im not sure yet.


It's interesting the way people look at you differently and how you may meet/encounter different kind of people just from having one. So it's kind of like a social experiment if you ask me why i decided to grow one.

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We are the same age and my facial hair comes out in patches. Fuck my life

bro mine was as well! until i said fuck it and just let it grow even with a few patches and it  eventually all connected. My moustache use to not connect with the beard and now it does >.>

Lose the mustache man, seriously

fuck that, I would feel so empty. The moustache has a lot of powers my friend.

it suits some, and doesn't suit others imo

guess im one of the lucky ones cause my face goes with any facial hair or without any facial hair. I just don't like the naked feeling on my face with no facial hair

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