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Stealth Quester


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On 6/11/2021 at 11:29 AM, t37c said:

no new quests in particular but an option to gather all resources naturally for every quest on the script would be an excellent addition. also how far away are we from seeing new quests added?

Whenever I get some free time I can add quests, but right now I have lots of problems to fix, every update since the prime release has been breaking something 

On 6/11/2021 at 3:40 PM, GameOverAdv said:

Watefall Quest:

no sir in waterfall quest if he had already made the witch house, the problem is not life the problem is that in the part where you cross the laverinto to go down get the key and then change it for the pebble there is where the problem is he goes straight to the room where you open the door to the dwarf to change the key for the pebble and how do you open the door? if you still did not go to get the key?


Tourist Trap:

Here in this quest it does not even begin, it buys all the necessary items to do the quest, but when it is going to start it is like taking out the items but it already has everything! It just does not move from the bank or even closes it and stays there in the G E that is, it does not move, does nothing after buying the items

The Waterfall Quest should now bank the Witch's House keys before attempting to do the quest which should fix that

That means there is a skill requirement missing. What's your fletching and smithing levels?

9 hours ago, craftee said:

would like to purchase for all made accounts but anyway i can get a 24 hour trial to do 1 account test to see if it works the way  id like it too? 24.99 is alot for something i might not enjoy as much as id think. errors arent gonna make me overlook as long as your still updating script ofc but questing is one of my most hated things to do and i clearly have to quest each account made lol


edit: read alot of reviews some of bans, id assume the script threw an error and got stuck in same spot unattended? sounds like it to me just curious on someone elses thoughts lol.

I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials :feels: 

Idk it's possible, I'm in the process of fixing lots of bugs after the recent updates

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im have the requeriments xd token not its first time i run the quest xd i start first the knight sword for get 29 Smithing and do manually 15 fletching and just need 10... 

Edit : when u dont have the requeriments the bot just jump the quest and dont make it but in this case he buy all he need but at the end keep in the bank and dont close the bank, i try close manually he open again i try to send to al kharid he walk away to ge again i try start the quest and he walk to ge again i dont know this day that quest work because i use in other acc when i report to u dont work more...


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Noticing an uptick in f2p quest bans might just be crazy watched rn but I'm usually able to make a few accs and get 10qp right away but lately it gets banned a day after or hours after getting 10qp lol lots of updates and changes I reckon 

Might need to change ip, idk. Aged accounts seem fine and they don't get banned until I quest them I checked to make sure it wasn't tutorial island

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On 6/14/2021 at 3:12 AM, craftee said:

small thing if u can have it fill up invo with food on way to crandor for dragon slayer had 1 food left with 5-7 empty slots in invo 58 range (pure) was probably not enough lol. lucky i paused and turned protect from mage on not exactly the scripts fault but the extra 5-8 food could have helped.

Would it work with protect from magic instead for your use case? I can add prayer support to that quest much easier than changing the inventory

On 6/14/2021 at 4:12 AM, GameOverAdv said:

im have the requeriments xd token not its first time i run the quest xd i start first the knight sword for get 29 Smithing and do manually 15 fletching and just need 10... 

Edit : when u dont have the requeriments the bot just jump the quest and dont make it but in this case he buy all he need but at the end keep in the bank and dont close the bank, i try close manually he open again i try to send to al kharid he walk away to ge again i try start the quest and he walk to ge again i dont know this day that quest work because i use in other acc when i report to u dont work more...


There must be something different on some accounts; Could you drop me a message on discord @ Token#9525 ? I’m also online most of the day in OSBot’s discord here https://discord.com/invite/dumFZaM

On 6/15/2021 at 12:14 AM, ThornilyFAILRS said:

Can I have a free trial?

I’m afraid I’m not currently doing trials :feels:

On 6/15/2021 at 1:48 PM, spaxxii said:

Idk if im blind or what but i cant find the spell preset button for Lost city quest, can only find the option to chose magic but not a spell, so it wont let me start it

Wield a staff and set desired spell on autocast; It will bank the staff before heading to Entrana

On 6/15/2021 at 3:12 PM, sorag13 said:

Monkey madness 1 - after chapter one, bot went to g.e and stopped...

Has it lost any item? Does restarting it work?

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Prince ali rescue 1st time thru worked dont think i watched it, but this time it  started walking to ned from the prison and hopping worlds and repeating i ended up stopping and finishing solo but thought id mention the issue had beers and rope wig dress etc nobody else was doing quest either.

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7 hours ago, Token said:

Has it lost any item? Does restarting it work?

Yes, I restarted script and it finished quest just fine :)
EDIT: Tried doing MM1 on another account, this time everything worked fine, but after buying required items bot stopped, I restarted and it was flawless :)

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