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Stealth Quester


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Update: I tried to start the quest in MM on another PC and it worked just fine.  I also tried to start another quest on the original PC and it kept tyring to purchase "members object" as well, so im assuming it is something with that pc and not your script.  I will continue troubleshooting to see what the cause is.

Solved: I figured out the issue.  On the other machine when I set my gear, my character was wearing iron boots.  I noticed when I started the quest and it loaded the items i was wearing it did not recognize Iron boots as iron boots, but was loading them as "FEET=Members object,"  I updated my gear set to not have iron boots and worked just fine after that.

Issue: Cannot start waterfall quest.  It attempts to buy "members object" from GE.  Tried in MM and Injection, no resource limitations applied.

 See log.


Otherwise, as always thank you for your work on this.  Love the scripts and the amount of issues I run into vs the amount of quests it does without issues is still incredible to me,  keep it up :) 


Edited by Botthestrange
  • Boge 1
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On 6/30/2019 at 1:55 PM, Hybris said:

Just did it again & same thing

& why does he take 3 leather gloves?

It doesn't, did you put leather gloves in your gear preset? Are you using lowcpu/lowresource/any non-default modes?

21 hours ago, Hybris said:

Failed to withdraw items at mountain daughter:

 [ERROR][BANKING] You do not have the required item Stamina potion(4) or its equivalent

It didn't buy it although it was at the g/e

Should be fixed now

17 hours ago, Hybris said:

It sometimes buys the wrong "greenman's ale".

If an offer is pending for too long, would it be possible to set the price higher after a certain amount of time? Now it just waits until it's bought until logout & then the script stops.

I've updated the prices a bit

16 hours ago, layday said:

Which ironman quests are supported?

Ernest The Chicken, Romeo And Juliet, Rune Mysteries, Cook's Assistant, The Restless Ghost

12 hours ago, Dutchsmoker420 said:

When i try to load the script it doesnt give me the gui where to pick a quest ..

What's printed in the logger?

On 6/29/2019 at 11:39 PM, galban said:

yep i use low cpu/ no render...

Disabling lowcpu mode should fix it for now, I'll discuss with the developers to check what's going on with lowcpu mode

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Yes, dropped all games necklaces i had to test but it would still withdraw 3x games necklace. Perhaps when re running the script it went back to the instance before. Regardless, i will try again later this afternoon and update back. 

If there is any quests you are working on currently i'd gladly take that info and hold off on doing some quests manually. 

Thank you.

  • Boge 1
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On 7/1/2019 at 1:56 PM, Token said:

It doesn't, did you put leather gloves in your gear preset? Are you using lowcpu/lowresource/any non-default modes?

No leather gloves in gear preset & not using any non-default modes.

Tried again, still withdrew 3 leather gloves & didn't pick up the magnet because inventory was full but still tries to use the cheese for the mouse.

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