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Stealth Quester


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1 hour ago, Token said:

I'm afraid I'm not currently handling trials on any scripts

no worries, a friend told me how good it was, so i just had to buy it. +1 rep it has handled everything very well!
one tip ive noticed, you should start the script with no items on and have your gear presets set. otherwise itll bank gear and get it out again

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18 hours ago, WhygADemo said:

just bought this and just wondering does this support stamina pots and how do i make it so my character isnt always naked when its doing quests with no gear requirement

It does but they are currently disabled, set a gear preset on the GUI on the right side of every quest that you want it to be used

3 hours ago, WhamBam said:

RFD cook.


Seems like it keeps trying to buy the middle Greenman's ale that I've never seen before rather than an actual Greenman's ale?


Should be fixed now

1 hour ago, Shilo said:

Hey, ive had a little trouble with the grand tree while running this, when killing the black demon it kept running back and forth from safe spot behind rocks to the tunnel, had to pause it and do it manual, then it finished quest fine.


Was it while luring the demon or the demon was already in the final position?

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Hey what happened to your old layout? where u could just click all f2p quest pure quests nmz quests etc? do u plan on bringing it back soon?


lmao nvm i realized it was trying to buy the set my main uses thats why its burning cash 😛  btw do u plan on adding shilo village soon?

Edited by WhygADemo
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It's getting stuck trying to buy a varrock teleport now as well.



[INFO][06/13 04:12:30 AM]: Started bot #1
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:05 AM]: Initializing 38 API modules...
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:44 AM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:47 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:47 AM]: selected GUI index: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:24 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                   Nature Spirit    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#2                       The Golem    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#3                    The Dig Site    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:24 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                   Nature Spirit    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#2                       The Golem    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#3                    The Dig Site    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:26 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:26 AM]: opening equipment tab
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:28 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Varrock teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Varrock teleport=1146
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Digsite teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Digsite teleport=22628
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Opal
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Opal=4046
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Pestle and mortar
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Pestle and mortar=3490
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Nardah teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Nardah teleport=8016
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Chisel
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Chisel=3696
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Papyrus
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Papyrus=6478
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Soft clay
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Soft clay=1661
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Waterskin(4)=1866
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Charcoal
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Charcoal=4458
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Varrock teleport 6 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Digsite teleport 3 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Opal 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Pestle and mortar 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Nardah teleport 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Chisel 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Papyrus 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Soft clay 4 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Waterskin(4) 4 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Charcoal 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: preparing inventory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: withdrawing coins
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:40 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:40 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:40 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:45 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:45 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:45 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:46 AM]: Buying item {name: Varrock teleport, amount: 6, buy price: 1146}
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:40 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:40 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:40 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: Buying item {name: Varrock teleport, amount: 6, buy price: 1146}
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:52 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:52 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:52 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:58 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:58 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:58 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:17:00 AM]: Buying item {name: Varrock teleport, amount: 6, buy price: 1146}


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16 hours ago, WhygADemo said:

Hey what happened to your old layout? where u could just click all f2p quest pure quests nmz quests etc? do u plan on bringing it back soon?


lmao nvm i realized it was trying to buy the set my main uses thats why its burning cash 😛  btw do u plan on adding shilo village soon?

You can still do that with the new GUI, but you can create your own quick start options now. I haven't even looked at Shilo Village yet.

9 hours ago, WhamBam said:

It's now saying I don't have the requirements done for the rfd cook and rfd dwarf when I indeed do have the requirements. 

Could you PM me an image/gif of the account's current stats/quests?

8 hours ago, Botthestrange said:

Is there a specific reason Dragon Slayer can only be completed on P2P worlds? 

It was coded with antifire potions so it can safespot the boss, I'll be adding some code to enable it on F2P worlds for accounts which have stats to kill it without safespotting

3 minutes ago, WhamBam said:

It's getting stuck trying to buy a varrock teleport now as well.


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[INFO][06/13 04:12:30 AM]: Started bot #1
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:05 AM]: Initializing 38 API modules...
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:44 AM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:47 AM]: starting script without parameters
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:13:47 AM]: selected GUI index: 1
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:24 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                   Nature Spirit    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#2                       The Golem    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#3                    The Dig Site    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:24 AM]: Running quests in the following order
#1                   Nature Spirit    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#2                       The Golem    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
#3                    The Dig Site    settings:{FOOD=Monkfish, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, HAT=Obsidian helmet, CAPE=Obsidian cape, AMULET=Berserker necklace, WEAPON=Toktz-xil-ak, CHEST=Obsidian platebody, SHIELD=Toktz-ket-xil, LEGS=Obsidian platelegs, HANDS=Combat bracelet, FEET=Dragon boots, RING=Warrior ring, ARROWS=null, STYLE=1, SPELL=0}
Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:26 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:26 AM]: opening equipment tab
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:28 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Varrock teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Varrock teleport=1146
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Digsite teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Digsite teleport=22628
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Opal
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Opal=4046
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Pestle and mortar
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Pestle and mortar=3490
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Nardah teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Nardah teleport=8016
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Chisel
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Chisel=3696
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Papyrus
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Papyrus=6478
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Soft clay
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Soft clay=1661
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Waterskin(4)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Waterskin(4)=1866
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: loading price: Charcoal
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: generated price: Charcoal=4458
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Varrock teleport 6 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Digsite teleport 3 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Opal 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Pestle and mortar 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Nardah teleport 2 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Chisel 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Papyrus 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Soft clay 4 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Waterskin(4) 4 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Charcoal 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: preparing inventory
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:37 AM]: withdrawing coins
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:40 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:40 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:40 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:45 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:45 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:45 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:14:46 AM]: Buying item {name: Varrock teleport, amount: 6, buy price: 1146}
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:40 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:40 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:40 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:15:43 AM]: Buying item {name: Varrock teleport, amount: 6, buy price: 1146}
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:52 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:52 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:52 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:58 AM]: buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:58 AM]: estimated required money: 57485
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:16:58 AM]: estimated next offer value: 6876
[INFO][Bot #1][06/13 04:17:00 AM]: Buying item {name: Varrock teleport, amount: 6, buy price: 1146}


Is this on mirror mode? At which part of the buying process does it fail?

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