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Stealth Quester


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I start the script it goes to the screw page and doesn't do anything (used to reset camera view) then the script stops.

Some help please


[INFO][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:37 PM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[ERROR][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:41 PM]: Error in script onStart(): Stealth Quester
    at f.Con.a(rb:195)
    at f.Con.a(rb:70)
    at k.coN.<init>(zg:103)
    at k.coN.a(zg:159)
    at j.CoN.onStart(qk:103)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IIIIiiiiIIii(bp:284)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(bp:20)
    at org.osbot.M.IIIIiiiiIIii(hx:91)
    at org.osbot.NB.iIiIiiiIiiiI(yab:186)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:41 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:41 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!



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3 hours ago, Jensen said:

I start the script it goes to the screw page and doesn't do anything (used to reset camera view) then the script stops.

Some help please


[INFO][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:37 PM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers!
[ERROR][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:41 PM]: Error in script onStart(): Stealth Quester
    at f.Con.a(rb:195)
    at f.Con.a(rb:70)
    at k.coN.<init>(zg:103)
    at k.coN.a(zg:159)
    at j.CoN.onStart(qk:103)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IIIIiiiiIIii(bp:284)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(bp:20)
    at org.osbot.M.IIIIiiiiIIii(hx:91)
    at org.osbot.NB.iIiIiiiIiiiI(yab:186)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:41 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][12/24 04:45:41 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!



2 hours ago, dmize said:

Experiencing same issue as Jensen. First time using script. 

Had some issues on the backend while updating stuff, should be up within ~1 hour

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So just bought this thing and I have added my gear presets and then quests and every quest I've tried to run by itself in a preset or with multiple the bot will start then banks takes the cash out then opens the ge and nothing happens. It seems pretty straight forward on how to set up. Any suggestions whats wrong?

[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:38:47 AM]: [Break Manager] After botting for 342 minute(s), you will break for 27 minute(s).
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:38:47 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:04 AM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: loading price for item: Blue dye
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: fetched price for item: Blue dye, price: 206
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: generated price for item: {name: Blue dye, amount: 1, buy price: 1665}
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: [DEBUG] Missing item requirements
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: [DEBUG] Blue dye 1 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: estimated required money: 1665
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: estimated next offer value: 1665
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: preparing inventory
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:08 AM]: withdrawing coins
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:10 AM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:10 AM]: estimated required money: 1665
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 11:39:10 AM]: estimated next offer value: 1665

Edited by Spasandrew
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INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:58 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:44:59 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: no valid tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 0
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: talking to veos
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: walking to position [x=1822, y=3689, z=0]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: [DEBUG][INERACTIONS] No destination tile found
[INFO][Bot #1][12/25 05:45:00 PM]: no valid tile found



gets stuck at the boat after taking the boat to zeah
doesnt get of the ship

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6 hours ago, riseofrage said:

What happened to the "old" layout? I remember I could just chose 1 Button called "Avas Accu" and it would do the quest line itself. 

Aswell can I still choose the xp lamps settings? 

Is the script working for you atm? mines stuck opening bank> closing > repeat

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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 4:04 PM, Token said:







Bug report template (please post at least the whole logger contents)

If there is an error in the logger containing "NoClassDefFound" that is not related to the script and can be fixed by restarting your client



Mirror mode: [YES/NO]

Low CPU mode: [YES/NO]

Debug mode: [YES/NO]

Command line parameters: [only the allow/script parameters are important, no world/bot/proxy/login] 

Multiple bots running in the same client: [YES/NO]

Do you have tabs in your bank: [YES/NO]

Quick start option: [All/F2P/7 QP/Mithril Gloves/Ava/NMZ/NONE]

Quest: [current quest name, eg Shadow of the Storm]

Location: [where was the problem encountered, eg Lumbridge castle kitchen]

<MOST IMPORTANT> Logger contents: [with the OSBot client up, in top right corner Settings -> Toggle logger, copy & paste ALL OF IT. Paste on www.pastebin.com if you are having issues posting on the thread just post the link instead]

Additional info: [any other info you can provide]



Stats required  to run "all" quests:


30 Ranged

36 Woodcutting
31 Crafting
18 Slayer
5 Fletching
20 Mining
20 Smithing (you will get 29 from the knights sword so this is not needed) 
21 Firemaking
41 Cooking
10 Fishing
25 Thieving. 



7 Quest Points

  Reveal hidden contents

Cook's Assistant
Doric's Quest
Goblin Village


Ava's Accumulator

  Reveal hidden contents

The Restless Ghost
Ernest The Chicken
Priest In Peril
Animal Magnetism



  Reveal hidden contents

Imp Catcher
Witch's Potion

Witch's House
Waterfall Quest
Lost City
Fight Arena
Vampire Slayer


Mithril Gloves

  Reveal hidden contents

Cook's Assistant
Goblin Diplomacy

Gertrude's Cat
Fishing Contest

RFD Cook Subquest

RFD Goblin Subquest

Imp Catcher

Witch's Potion

Witch's House

Waterfall Quest

Fight Arena

Vampire Slayer

RFD Dwarf Subquest

Big Chompy Bird Hunting

RFD Ogre Subquest

RFD Pirate Subquest

Demon Slayer

The Golem

Shadow of the Storm

RFD Evil Dave Subquest


F2P Quests

  Reveal hidden contents

Cook's Assistant
Imp Catcher
Witch's Potion
Doric's Quest
Romeo and Juliet
Goblin Diplomacy
Rune Mysteries
The Restless Ghost
Sheep Shearer
Pirate's Treasure
Prince Ali Rescue
The Knight's Sword
Vampire Slayer

Demon Slayer

Ernest The Chicken



  Reveal hidden contents

Cook's Assistant
Imp Catcher

Witch's Potion

Doric's Quest

Romeo and Juliet

Goblin Diplomacy

Rune Mysteries

The Restless Ghost

Sheep Shearer

The Knight's Sword

Pirate's Treasure

Vampire Slayer

Ernest The Chicken

Witch's House

Druidic Ritual

Dwarf Cannon

Fishing Contest

Gertrude's Cat

RFD Cook Subquest

RFD Goblin Subquest

Waterfall Quest

Lost City

Fight Arena

Jungle Potion

Plague City

Priest In Peril

RFD Dwarf Subquest

Tribal Totem

Hazeel Cult

Clock Tower

Elemental Workshop I

Big Chompy Bird Hunting

RFD Ogre Subquest

Animal Magnetism

RFD Pirate Subquest

The Golem

Demon Slayer

Shadow of the Storm

RFD Evil Dave Subquest

Prince Ali Rescue



Change log


Version 0.1 (09.02.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Beta release


Version 0.2 (13.02.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Improved interaction stability
Improved banking stability
Improved teleport stability
Fixed a bug during Plague City
Fixed a bug during Ernest the Chicken
Added Ernest the Chicken to available quests

Added Animal Magnetism to available quests
Added cycled behavior to teleports
Added support for interfaces which block interactions


Version 0.3 (18.02.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

GUI updates to make it more user friendly as many people had issues running the script in the previous version.
Improved banking stability
Fixed all teleports related to Games necklace
Fixed all teleports related to Skills necklace
User can no longer select F2P mode, it is now automaticly enabled when running the script on a F2P world
Gear preset selection now applies to all quests in a running session
Food selection now applies to all quests in a running session
The script now allows running with no food when None is selected


Version 0.3.1 (19.02.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Just some bug fixes
Fixed a bug during Witch's Potion
Fixed a bug during Plague City
Fixed a bug during Priest in Peril
Fixed a bug during Ernest the Chicken
Now the script should correctly leave the Draynor Manor
Improved teleport stability
Quests which require leaving the Draynor Manor are still not supported on F2P (Ernest the Chicken) and I want to remind everyone that the script although is able to complete Vampire Slayer on F2P, it will not leave the Draynor Manor after completing the quest


Version 0.4 (28.02.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

I modified some core aspects of the script which should make it more stable for now
Added Pirate's Treasure to the available quests list
Fixed a bug during Imp Catcher
Fixed a bug during Animal Magnetism
Fixed a bug during Jungle Potion
Fixed a bug where the bot was not withdrawing teleport items on P2P worlds for Rune Mysteries and The Restless Ghost
Added missing quest info on GUI for Animal Magnetism
Improved banking stability


Version 0.5 (12.03.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Quite a big update, but if nothing unexpected shows up with the new code, the script should be live shortly
Fixed a bug during Priest In Peril
Improved interactions stability
Improved banking stability
Removed the Instructions section from the GUI
Disabled the Debug Mode button as no one has ever reported the need to use it and I also noticed lots of users using it without actually reading the instructions
Added Prince Ali Rescue to the available quests list
Added Waterfall Quest to the available quests list
Added Lost City to the available quests list
Added a new section on the GUI called "Quick Start" which will offer options for running variious quest settings with 1 click of a button
Added lobster to the food list
The bot will now eat while performing any activity, including walking
Implemented a new algorithm that defines prices for item data gathered during runtime


Version 0.6 (20.03.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Just a few minor changes
The script should no longer have a small delay on F2P worlds where it would attempt to teleport, but fail to do so
Added a new algorithm that accurately determines the closest bank no matter where on the runescape map you are so now the script will use the closest bank instead of walking to Falador every time
Added Fight Arena to the available quests list
Fixed a bug during Waterfall Quest
Fixed a bug during Lost City
Fixed a bug during Priest In Peril
Fixed a bug during Prince Ali Rescue
Fixed a bug during The Knight's Sword
Improved multithreading stability and eating during events
The food combo box has been disabled to make the script easier to use and fix some bugs


Version 1.0 (07.04.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Official public release

Added Gertrude's Cat to the available quests list

Added Fishing Contest to the available quests list

Added Fight Arena to the available quests list

Improved overall script stability


Version 1.1 (18.04.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Since most bugs should be fixed right now and there are temporary fixes for webwalking in pretty much all areas of the script it's time to go back to developing more content, this week's update continues the RFD quest series
Added Big Chompy Bird Hunting to the available quests list
Added RFD Dwarf Subquest to the available quests list
Added RFD Pirate Subquest to the available quests list
Added RFD Ogre Subquest to the available quests list
Fixed a bug during Fight Arena
Fixed a bug during Vampire Slayer
Increased amount of food for Priest In Peril, Jungle Potion, Vampire Slayer


Version 1.2 (03.05.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

Just a few updates, we are quickly approaching the 40 quests marl
Fixed a bug during Waterfall Quest
Fixed a bug during Animal Magnetism
Added more food to Jungle Potion
Eating has been rewritten to improve stability

Added support for handling exceptions while eating
Fixed a config conflict in RFD Dwarf Subquest
Added Clock Tower to the available quests list
Added Hazeel Cult to the available quests list
Added Tribal Totem to the available quests list
Added Witch's House to the available quests list
Added Elemental Workshop I to the available quests list
Added Shades of Mort'ton to the available quests list
The All and Pure/NMZ options will now complete Witch's House before attempting any dangerous quests


Version 1.3 (22.05.2016)

  Reveal hidden contents

The work on RFD series is complete for now as the script will now obtain mithril gloves with 1 button click. The RFD quick start option has therefore been renamed to Mithril Gloves.
Added RFD Evil Dave Subquest to the available quests list
Added Demon Slayer to the available quests list
Added The Golem to the available quests list
Added Shadow of the Storm to the available quests list
Improved banking stability
Added new failsafe for Witch's House
New input validation system has been added
More error messages are now displayed when interacting with the GUI


Version 1.9.1 (18.10.2017)

  Reveal hidden contents

Even though I'm completely against this idea, due to the very high number of requests to add stamina potions I've added them to the 4 new quests for the purpose of testing

Added Tree Gnome Village to the available quests list

Added Black Knight's Fortress to the available quests list

Added Mountain Daughter to the available quests list

Added Client of Kourend to the available quests list

Several minor bug fixes

All the new quests are supported on fresh level 3 accounts

All boss fights support safe spots when using spells

Debug mode checkbox has been removed from the GUI and replaced with a keyboard shortcut (F4)


Version 1.9.2 (12.12.2017)

  Reveal hidden contents

Added The Grand Tree to the available quests list

Added The Tourist Trap to the available quests list

Fixed a bug I've been tracking down for a long time on Shadow of the Storm incantation dialogue

Safespot is supported on The Grand Tree

The stamina potion support was extended to include The Grand Tree

The Tourist Trap has been optimized several times and should use rings of recoil to ensure completion on lowest levels possible

Eating in combat has been slightly improved

Implemented the new Necklace of Passage teleports for faster completion of quests

Are you doing trials for this?

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Just when attempting to start any quest and buy at the GE im having issues with it just selecting an item and then freezing. Any input by me prompts it to reset and continue to keep try buying an item without actually doing anything. I have no items pending in GE, it is a fresh account. Just want it to auto buy items from the GE. Any suggestions?


F2P/P2P: F2P

Mirror mode: NO

Low CPU mode: NO

Debug mode: NO

Multiple bots running in the same client: [YES/NO]

Do you have tabs in your bank: NO

Quick start option: None

Quest: every quest

Location: GE

Edited by krazy999
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I was having the same issue as krazy999, but now it won't do anything. After clicking start it opens the bank, deposits all items, and then the bot stops running.

2P/P2P: P2P

Mirror mode: NO

Low CPU mode: NO

Debug mode: NO

Multiple bots running in the same client: NO

Do you have tabs in your bank: YES

Quick start option: None

Quest: every quest, but trying big chompy bird 

Location: GE

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The bot starts to bug with a lot of quests. Kind unsatisfied. 


2P/P2P: P2P

Mirror mode: NO

Low CPU mode: NO

Debug mode: NO

Multiple bots running in the same client: NO

Do you have tabs in your bank: YES

Quick start option: None

Quest: every quest, but trying big chompy bird 

Location: GE

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