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Everything posted by acerock

  1. I was trying it in the GE. I'll give it a shot elsewhere. Thanks.
  2. No change. I've tried with dragonstone jewelry as well. If I start it without being in the bank interface, it just starts clicking at my feet. If I start it in the bank interface, it withdraws the amulets and opens the spell book then starts clicking at my feet.
  3. It isn't working for me for whatever reason. I am trying to enchant diamond amulets and after I start the script it just clicks in one spot repeatedly.
  4. acerock

    Stealth Quester

    I was having the same issue as krazy999, but now it won't do anything. After clicking start it opens the bank, deposits all items, and then the bot stops running. 2P/P2P: P2P Mirror mode: NO Low CPU mode: NO Debug mode: NO Multiple bots running in the same client: NO Do you have tabs in your bank: YES Quick start option: None Quest: every quest, but trying big chompy bird Location: GE
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