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Stealth Quester


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The script is perfectly fine from what I can see. The script is clearly using standard API methods and offers a large amount of quests to the user.


The expense of the script is clearly proportionate to the amount of quests it's offering and the price it is currently established at, you could flip a profit from the script within a matter of hours and simply reselling your quested accounts.


I am concerned however at the amount of times this script has been ran under the creator's supervision, there is clearly a lack of fail-safes that may need to be implemented by the scripter and not the API itself and as a result, some extraneous circumstances can massively conflict with the scripts functionality.


$15.95 + $5 a month for a script which allows you to use this script INFINITELY is clearly a bargain, when I could easily run 3 accounts, make them into a nightmare zone host and self them for more than that, all possible within an hour or two of running this script.


EDIT: Just to reflect this point further, you aren't paying for 'premium' anti-ban, you are simply paying for the massive amount of features within a single script, the OSBot standard is to use OSBots methods, which he clearly IS using. If you have issues with the interaction the bot provides, please contact a developer.

Edited by Final
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The script is perfectly fine from what I can see. The script is clearly using standard API methods and offers a large amount of quests to the user.


The expense of the script is clearly proportionate to the amount of quests it's offering and the price it is currently established at, you could flip a profit from the script within a matter of hours and simply reselling your quested accounts.


I am concerned however at the amount of times this script has been ran under the creator's supervision, there is clearly a lack of fail-safes that may need to be implemented by the scripter and not the API itself and as a result, some extraneous circumstances can massively conflict with the scripts functionality.


$15.95 + $5 a month for a script which allows you to use this script INFINITELY is clearly a bargain, when I could easily run 3 accounts, make them into a nightmare zone host and self them for more than that, all possible within an hour or two of running this script.


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Yes, the first version of this script had 18 quests in beta. Now it's at 31 and will have 37 tomorrow as I'm adding 6 new quests. Did this bug occur on mirror mode? What quick option did you run?


i just chose it to run the quests i wanted too myself m8 and sounds really good i hope you can make the biohazard quests that would be really dope because then i could use another bot on here that i need. :)

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i just chose it to run the quests i wanted too myself m8 and sounds really good i hope you can make the biohazard quests that would be really dope because then i could use another bot on here that i need. smile.png

Biohazard is not in tomorrow's update but maybe next week when I will most likely continue the Ardougne quest series (because indeed there is a huge demand for these, I guess Zulrah?).

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other than that its a really nice script honestly one of the best scripts i have bought. just hope things will get fixed and new useful quests will be added as you mentioned hehe:)!

Biohazard is not in tomorrow's update but maybe next week when I will most likely continue the Ardougne quest series (because indeed there is a huge demand for these, I guess Zulrah?).


its for the caged monsters to train ranged i need it for! :D to gain great xp since im tired of getting banned in the ranging guild cuz ban rate is so high there.... :(

please do it next week then ! _:D would really appreciate it and plus you would have a good buyer :D

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by the way do you think monkey madness and pre quests for it will be added later? that would be sick!

The prequests are on the to-do list, Monkey Madness itself is not yet. It will eventually be added because it's a useful quests and has lots of continuations but not in the next updates.

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