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Stealth Quester


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5 hours ago, Abu said:

To everyone who has been banned for using this script, I have a question for you:

Were you monitoring the bot?

Were you doing quests back to back?

How long did you leave it running for?

Inject or Mirror?

Were you monitoring the bot?

- Yes, all good, no issues or anything like that (5 bans so far)

Were you doing quests back to back?

- In groups of two with skilling and breaks in between. 

How long did you leave it running for?

- Till the end of the quests i selected. 

Inject or Mirror?

- Injection, never had any issues with StealthQuester in regards to bans. 

Maybe they made an criterion for the buying process of the Stealth quester? Or any other pattern recognizer for this script.

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i think the majority of bans will be from not baby sitting a clearly problematic script. i have an acc that made it through the ban wave bc i took it out of endless loops and stopped it from getting stuck, thought it would still trigger a ban but apparently not. i agree with everyone tho, this is scarily overpriced for the quality. you'd expect it to atleast log off when it encounters a bug that sends it in a loop. for the saftey of the acc's, even a randomized buying price is too much to ask for apparently lol, its just too obvious for jagex. something to think about considering alot of good accounts have been ruined by this and its actually an essential script in order to keep accounts low key, dude probably makes so much money off it too because it has no competition in the store :L


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3 hours ago, lummyboy said:

i think the majority of bans will be from not baby sitting a clearly problematic script. i have an acc that made it through the ban wave bc i took it out of endless loops and stopped it from getting stuck, thought it would still trigger a ban but apparently not. i agree with everyone tho, this is scarily overpriced for the quality. you'd expect it to atleast log off when it encounters a bug that sends it in a loop. for the saftey of the acc's, even a randomized buying price is too much to ask for apparently lol, its just too obvious for jagex. something to think about considering alot of good accounts have been ruined by this and its actually an essential script in order to keep accounts low key, dude probably makes so much money off it too because it has no competition in the store :L


Nah it’s a good price for the amount of quests it does

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18 hours ago, jesseboy123 said:

Hey there. Had the issue where it would just stand at G.E. Doing absolutely nothing. I picked Fishing contest + chompy bird hunting with some super basic 3 item gear settup and it would just bank everything and break. 

It should be fixed now

16 hours ago, Famske2 said:

Hi Token,

Regular client and yes I put firestrike in the gear preset and selected the loadout at the quest. 

In regards to the banking, for instance I have 100 Swordfish in the bank since it is the main food it uses, it still buys new ones. Is this on purpose or something to look into?

Thanks! Famske2

What quests were you trying to do?

7 hours ago, shootsh said:

@Token how’s it looking?

The update is live, it should be working fine, I'm going through more quests in a bit to check if everything's alright

7 hours ago, lummyboy said:

waterfall quest has problems at the ruins ladder (ya know, the one you use the pebble to get down to) ends up sending you on a loop up and down. also has a problem registering the door being closed at the moms house

Any chance you got the logger contents for when that happened?

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32 minutes ago, Token said:

What quests were you trying to do?

The tourist trap and RFD Pirate pete, but the script is doing it with all my tried quests.

Edit: During the start of RFD evil dave, the script cat withdraw the cat or find it. this is the error (this error keeps looping):

[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:08 PM]: started in normal mode
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:12 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting stage: [01]*011$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:12 PM]: [DEBUG] Starting index: 3
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:12 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: Rfd Evil Dave Subquest
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:12 PM]: [DEBUG] Bank attempt 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:12 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to get items from bank. Attempt 0
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:13 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Lumbridge teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:14 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Varrock teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:15 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Falador teleport
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:16 PM]: [DEBUG][BANKING] Attempting to withdraw item: Stew
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Current quest: Rfd Evil Dave Subquest
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: Starting quest...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] FStage: -1606209533
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Cape Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Arrrows Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Amulet Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Hat Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Chest Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Legs Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Feet Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Weapon Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Shield Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Hands Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Ring Slot: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Spell: null
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Style: FIRST
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Food: Swordfish
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] F2PMode: false
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]*011$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:18 PM]: Opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:19 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]*011$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:19 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at i.l.A(on:314)
    at api.NuL.A(th:20)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at api.NuL.A(th:202)
    at api.CoM3.A(qk:42)
    at l.aUX.A(ne:842)
    at api.Prn.K(mn:214)
    at j.aUX.onLoop(pe:83)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:20 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]*011$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:20 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at i.l.A(on:314)
    at api.NuL.A(th:20)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at api.NuL.A(th:202)
    at api.CoM3.A(qk:42)
    at l.aUX.A(ne:842)
    at api.Prn.K(mn:214)
    at j.aUX.onLoop(pe:83)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:20 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]*011$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:20 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at i.l.A(on:314)
    at api.NuL.A(th:20)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at api.NuL.A(th:202)
    at api.CoM3.A(qk:42)
    at l.aUX.A(ne:842)
    at api.Prn.K(mn:214)
    at j.aUX.onLoop(pe:83)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:20 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 12:18:20 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!

Edited by Famske2
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Banned on 2 accounts using a vpn. I selected f2p quest, one account was over 2 months old, the other was a week old account. I watched them type the same exact numbers when buying from the g.e. ?‍♂️. Thought it would be ok. Jagex must have downloaded and examined this bot. I even thought the bought was human like besides the fact how fast and unhunan the g.e process goes

Edited by shootsh
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[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:57 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:57 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:57 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:58 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:58 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:59 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 09:59:59 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:00 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:00 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:02 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:02 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:02 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:02 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:03 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:03 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:05 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:05 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:05 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:05 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:06 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:06 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:06 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:06 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:07 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:07 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:08 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:08 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:09 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:09 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:10 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:10 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:10 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:10 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:12 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:13 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:13 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:13 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:14 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:14 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:16 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:16 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:17 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:17 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:19 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:19 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:20 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:20 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:20 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:20 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:22 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:22 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:22 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:22 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:23 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:23 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:25 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:25 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:26 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:26 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:26 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:26 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:27 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:27 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:29 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:29 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:30 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:30 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:32 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:32 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:33 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:34 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:35 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:35 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:36 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:36 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:39 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:39 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:40 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:40 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:42 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:42 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:44 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:44 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:45 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:45 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:45 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:45 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:00:47 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has paused!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:38 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has resumed!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:38 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:39 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:41 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:41 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:42 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:42 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:43 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:43 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:44 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:44 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:44 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:44 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:46 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:46 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:48 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:48 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:55 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:01:55 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:01 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:02 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:02 AM]: walking to position [x=3111, y=3162, z=1]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:02 AM]: destination: [x=3111, y=3162, z=1]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:07 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:07 AM]: webwalkevent status: FINISHED
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:11 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:11 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:13 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:13 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:14 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:14 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:16 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:16 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:16 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:16 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:17 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: [01]{8}010[01]{19}10$
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:17 AM]: Talking to Wizard Traiborn
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 10:02:17 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...


Injection mode stuck in demon slayer wizard dialogue loop.

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On 8/14/2018 at 12:16 PM, Sjd6795 said:

Yep detected for sure if the scripter cared about the people and not just the money he would offer credit to people who paid for this within the last week and remove it from the SDN temporary to revise it. It literally does the exact same clicks and pathing for everyone doesn't take long for a ban to happen that way.

yeah. i bought this around a week after release. Did a couple of pure quest. No ban, but then did it on another account and got banned

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ran this script on 10 non botted 2 year old accounts with individual proxies from a reputable source lost 5 of them only did one quest, priest in peril. DO NOT BOT an account you don't want to lose.


ITEM load out doesn't work, would not allow me to use a any weapons / gear on priest in peril. I will run another 10 accounts through priest in peril to see if the script is detectable. I will report back, as of now buy at your own risk.


NOTE: priest in peril shouldn't be taking 30 minutes to do on such a short quest.. @Token

Edited by RuneStop
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