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Stealth Quester


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1. Stealth Injection or Mirror Mode: mirror
2. Logger contents (press "Settings" on top right corner of the client, then "Toggle Logger", copy & paste on pastebin) :


had to run west for it to fix, completed quest after i did that
3. Description:

was stuck here


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14 hours ago, uncledude00 said:

Im trying to do MM1 now but it refuses to use the tree teleport system and keeps trying to walk from the GE to the gnome stronghold and back the longest way possible...

There is a problem with webwalking after the recent game update which moved the quest tab; The developers are going to push an update shortly, it will require a client restart

5 hours ago, skillerkidos1 said:

1. Stealth Injection or Mirror Mode: mirror
2. Logger contents (press "Settings" on top right corner of the client, then "Toggle Logger", copy & paste on pastebin) :


had to run west for it to fix, completed quest after i did that
3. Description:

was stuck here


Thanks, it should be fixed now

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8 hours ago, txttrr said:


When it trys to buy orange dye, it fails over and over - ive sent u a message on discord aswel.. :) 

What's printed in the logger?

9 hours ago, Snucer said:

Seems my bot likes to get stuck on animal mag. when generating tokens. He goes to worship and freezes up. I do have ghosts ahoy done. Is it setup in such a way it assumes that quest is not completed?

What's printed in the logger? Ghost's Ahoy should have no effect, at least theoretically

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yo for real this script has changed my entire gaming experience on old school. and Honestly all tokens scripts so far hasnt failed me yeat! and his NMZ script is already goated got 4 99s in combats 2 99 range and 1 str and a 97 range going to be 99 listen trust me this is the best purchase you can get on this site with out a dout.

but the best thing he responds! to you when needed! and thats the most important thing for me when i have a issue or need of some assistance.

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Using it today, ernest the chicken it would just spam click the poison instead of opening doors to get to it. Monkey madness it wouldnt bring the monkey speak amulet so it would just run to the end of the tunnel and when you check on it it would just be stuck there. I like the script but every time I used it I run into problems, there needs to be more checks.

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