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On 12/14/2017 at 5:23 PM, glurak said:

yes it was near the lake 
the bellows had 2 charges i think

and if u could add that it clicks the option "chase" instead of "interact with" in evil dave sub rfd
its more efficent and every human player would use "chase" rather than "interact"

I'll look into it

On 12/14/2017 at 5:27 PM, darthknightl said:

Really enjoying this script! I've done almost all the quests available on it! 

The only problem I had was on Jungle Potion, but I just finished it myself.

Do you plan on adding more quests later on?

Thanks! :)


On 12/14/2017 at 5:52 PM, Failed4life said:

Ran into a minor issue when doing Tourist Trap. It didnt have room to remove my ring of recoil so it just stood there until i manually made inventory space

[INFO][Bot #1][12/14 10:49:41 AM]: failed to remove item={Item id: 2550, Name: Ring of recoil, Amount: 1} from slot={RING}
[INFO][Bot #1][12/14 10:49:41 AM]: java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to remove gear
    at i.dc.c(pe:1007)
    at i.dc.K(pe:150)
    at i.coM7.M(pe:209)
    at api.coN.L(im:7)
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
    at api.coN.M(im:32)
    at api.cOM5.M(ef:138)
    at l.AuX.M(ek:37)
    at api.cON.L(mf:68)
    at j.AuX.onLoop(we:96)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(cg:72)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

I've pushed the update to make it eat excess food, just waiting on approval

On 12/15/2017 at 5:29 AM, mrjumbo10 said:

theres an issue for sure with fishing contest + tree gnome village. 

What's the issue?

On 12/15/2017 at 8:18 AM, intuitive luck said:

when i run the script it trying to buy zombie gloves, doesnt matter witch quest it is

when i run script its trying to buy zombie gloves?

It's from your gear preset, remove it or create another gear preset

On 12/15/2017 at 10:24 AM, duradellol said:

Death plateu please, i would love you very much if you could do that for us :)

Working on it

On 12/15/2017 at 3:41 PM, B0nK Xp said:

will this start the first 7 qp from start of a fresh acc? if possible maybe a trial before purchse ? liked thanks:)

Only if you have gp for the items

Authed :doge:

On 12/15/2017 at 5:55 PM, jamieonfire123 said:

You should release another version if you plan on releasing more quests, people would buy it. 

Would love to see Biohazard added.

I'd rather add content to the same one

On 12/15/2017 at 9:44 PM, Skypiea said:

How's the ban rate of this script? My accounts got banned consistently with another questing script on another site.

Can I please get a trial of this script?

Users have ban rates, it's up to everyone's botting technique

Authed :doge:

On 12/15/2017 at 10:14 PM, Dynasty said:

Could you possibly add options into the script for pking account where it would only do certain quests for certain pking builds?

You can select individual quests that you want to do on the 2nd tab

On 12/16/2017 at 3:17 AM, ilikedabot said:

was working awesome i tried to use it yesterday and now it just sits with the ge screen open and doesnt do anything

What's printed in the logger?

On 12/16/2017 at 8:27 AM, Jacksonpm23 said:

Doesn't finish Jungle Potion by itself o.O, nothing in the debug.

Anything is useful, it doesn't have to be an error stacktrace

On 12/16/2017 at 5:40 PM, fresh kicks said:

could i have a trial please mate?

Authed :doge:

On 12/17/2017 at 12:28 PM, titcchie said:

Hey, may I please have a free trial?

Authed :doge:

On 12/17/2017 at 6:46 PM, Failed4life said:

Bug report: Tree Gnome Village

Issue: Only brought 5 logs when 6 are required for the quest


Edit: Not sure what caused this, it bought all 6 and after restarting the script it correctly withdrew all 6

Did you have bank tabs/mirror mode?

On 12/18/2017 at 11:15 AM, krawell said:

Can i get a trial please? 

Authed :doge:

20 hours ago, jakethehandsome said:

Can I get a trial please?

Authed :doge:

54 minutes ago, Welalela said:

Can I get a trial please?

Authed :doge:

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(A) How do you set a magic preset, specifically for lost city and fight arena? Edit: nvm "Error: Lost City can only be completed with magic. Please create a preset containing a spell by using the Gear Editor tab. Press 'New Preset', equip a staff, press 'Load Gear', once the spell is displayed on the GUI, press 'Save Gear'. Select this gear preset from the Quests tab from the combo box under the '>' button.
IMPORTANT: Don't forget the script only supports the 16 elemental spells."..I missed this the first time, it runs this flawlessly now :)
(B) Issue with this.

F2P/P2P: P2p

Mirror mode: [YES/NO] No

Low CPU mode: [YES/NO] No

Debug mode: [YES/NO] No

Command line parameters: [only the allow/script parameters are important, no world/bot/proxy/login]  ?

Multiple bots running in the same client: [YES/NO] No

Do you have tabs in your bank: [YES/NO] No

Quick start option: [All/F2P/7 QP/Mithril Gloves/Ava/NMZ/NONE] None, manual.

Quest: [current quest name, eg Shadow of the Storm] Animal Magnetism.

Location: [where was the problem encountered, eg Lumbridge castle kitchen] Draynor Manor, Ava's room.

<MOST IMPORTANT> Logger contents: [with the OSBot client up, in top right corner Settings -> Toggle logger, copy & paste ALL OF IT. Paste on www.pastebin.com if you are having issues posting on the thread just post the link instead] https://pastebin.com/aPFa5yH8

Additional info: [any other info you can provide]

Fails to do the design puzzle thing. 

Edited by Jacksonpm23
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6 hours ago, Token said:
On 14.12.2017 at 4:23 PM, glurak said:

yes it was near the lake 
the bellows had 2 charges i think

and if u could add that it clicks the option "chase" instead of "interact with" in evil dave sub rfd
its more efficent and every human player would use "chase" rather than "interact"

I'll look into it

ran it again the other day and it worked without a problem at ogre sub rfd

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18 hours ago, nvrsince said:

Could i get a trail before i buy ty

Authed :doge:

4 hours ago, Snucer said:

I maye have messed something up, i am unsure. But now when i try to run fight arena quest using mage also, a preset with firebolt. It wont properly load the gear and start go fight the boss. Same issue with tree gnome village. Any tips?

What does the gear preset look like?

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