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This is a thread about how to not GET BANNED

and please don't say "don't bot" because we want to bot and not get banned.


There is a way to do it and you know it.

But how does one bot for so long and not get banned?

So here it goes:


Imagine an account, combat level 95 with around 1200 total skills.





  • Jagex has stated in their youtube videos/live streams that they look at the age of the account holder to determine how many hours a human of said age would likely to be playing the game. A person below 18 years old is likely to be in school between 8am and 3am. A person between 18 and 22 might be in university/college for many hours each day. On top of school hours, students have to spend their hours doing homework. Jagex knows this fact, and looks at the age of account holders and how often the account is played on. Botting many over weekdays may sway Jagex to think you are a botter if you give them a young age.
  • If the age of the account holder (given to Jagex at account registration) is an age which a person is likely to be in school, do not bot during school hours, and limit the amount of hours botted during weekdays. I'd recommend giving Jagex an age of between 24 and 40 to lessen the chance of Jagex suspecting you of botting.

Being the age of 68, I am probably retired which means I have more free time on my hand.


CHARACTER CLOTHES: Using a random generated clothing instead of the default bald head.


METHOD OF BOTTING:   3-8 hours of botting per day and the bots are ALWAYS baby sit by the account holder. He or She will talk once in awhile and get into some deep conversation with another user about said things. Once in a while, the user will also stop the bot to follow another player, check an npc, or talk to an npc etc etc to be more like a human.


Because the account holder is always babysitting the bot, he or she will decide when to take the break and for how long.



meaning the user will not bot the same skill/acitivty every day instead switch up the scripts. Doing one skill for a few minutes to an hour and then switch to a different script for the remaining hours of the day. Then next day its gonna be totally different, combat script etc etc. This is because the user knows that real players don't do the same skill/activity for days on end. Switch it up.



The User knows that if the account is used solely for botting which it is, then the user can't play on the account unless questing. The user knows that having a different playing pattern than the bot, Jagex will look into this as a different playing patterns, and could bring upon suspicion that the account is a bot. So the user will try to mimic the bot playing style as much as possible! The user also knows that mouse speed is important as well so he will make sure that the mouse speed is the same that is being used in all the private scripts.


The user also uses Mirror Mode and ONLY PRIVATE SCRIPTS with high ABCL level. 





Upon being banned once, the user knows he has a second chance before a permanent banned. So he will wait for his 1st offense to expires in roughly 13 months before presuming his botting on the account. But this time the user knows that his ip is flagged so therefor he will use a different ip and also delete jagex cache etc etc.


The user will NEVER use the same script he had used before. He will throw away every single private scripts that he had used before because he knows that Jagex uses delayed bans as a method to prevent script/bot makers from discovering just what is causing their bot to get banned. These delays in bans can be anywhere from a one day delay, to a six month delay.


What do you guys think of the chances of this guy being permanently banned?




Edited by danspazy2
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