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Vladimir Putin

Give me nats

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Vladimir Putin, I think he needs to live up to his 'Typical Russian' stereotype of not giving a fuck and just ignore the human rights and nuke Syria, get it over with and let's move on forward and have turkey for Christmas next. 
He makes a lot of statements and people might not like his ways as some refer to 'Hitler' but if it gets the job done, do it and live with the consequences another day.


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I think Putin needs to make an end to ISIS. Because ISIS is a threat to the EU and America. But i don't think Putin should make a war against Turkey. even tho the way Turkey responded with shooting a plane down was not correct. 


My comment about Turkey for christmas is indication the food, not the country in case anyone thinks with this comment I'm talking about making war with them.


And exactly, most of Isis threat is around Syria, if we destroy the base, they can work on eliminating the minor portion which still exists.

OP, you're an idiot. Killing millions of innocents seems to be OK to you.


I've served in the forces for a few years, I've just moved towards the Royal Air Force and have my start date coming up, you're calling me an Idiot for wanting to kill innocent people?


I'm sorry to disappoint you buddy but for the last so many years myself have killed many innocent people in the thing we call war... And over the thousands of years there has been many innocent people killed..

I think there are a lot of people who don't understand 'War' calling people Autistic and Idiots because they want change to the world that we live in, and using power to achieve that is somewhat bad? 


But I guess using bombs and guns to kill hundreads/thousands of innocent people is acceptable by the ISIS? 


It's just crazy... 

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That's insane to suggest any world leader(or for that matter, any responsible adult) should just make decisions and worry about the consequences later(example have sex without a condom and worry about getting a girl pregnant/get HIV, etc later when it's too late). It's that very same attitude America is in 18 trillion dollars debt facep.gif.

Furthermore, nuking is not even an option. Ever hear of MAD Principle(mutually assured destruction)? The whole reason there has never been a true nuclear war since the atomic bomb was invented was because if even one country used it, then all the other countries who have nuclear weapons would launch as well and ultimately result in the destruction of the earth. Hence it's mutually assured destruction.

No world leader no matter how reckless wants to destroy themselves and their country in the process to destroy their enemy(thank fuck that's the case otherwise we would have been dead a long time ago).

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I respect that Noah, and totally agree it is very reckless and just wrong to suggest to Nuke a country and very many innocent lives, but when you have been in the heart of the war and seen what you wouldn't even imagine seeing you would just sometimes like something like this to happen to move forward to a new day... 

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no fucking nukes man. that's disgusting shit.


correct me if i'm wrong guys, but isnt there some kind of agreement the world leaders made that if 1 person launched a nuke, everyone will release all of their nukes and the world would become a microwave? :/

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My comment about Turkey for christmas is indication the food, not the country in case anyone thinks with this comment I'm talking about making war with them.


And exactly, most of Isis threat is around Syria, if we destroy the base, they can work on eliminating the minor portion which still exists.


I've served in the forces for a few years, I've just moved towards the Royal Air Force and have my start date coming up, you're calling me an Idiot for wanting to kill innocent people?


I'm sorry to disappoint you buddy but for the last so many years myself have killed many innocent people in the thing we call war... And over the thousands of years there has been many innocent people killed..

I think there are a lot of people who don't understand 'War' calling people Autistic and Idiots because they want change to the world that we live in, and using power to achieve that is somewhat bad? 


But I guess using bombs and guns to kill hundreads/thousands of innocent people is acceptable by the ISIS? 


It's just crazy... 

So we should sink to ISIS's level by bombing civilians as well?

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