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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Should be improved as of now, please lemme know if any issues persist I will help!

Also just went on a huge questing spree to unlock Elf pickpocketing, I'm gunna map all the npcs out and add them to the official supported list, my apologies for the delay. I've been working on a number of big things lately :D

And yep blackjacking is on the list, rogues den too. I've also managed to convert my old code for luring npcs (back in the CzarIronMan script) which means blackjacking is coming along nicely. Luring, npc/click accuracy, and food regen are only things to improve upon and then it'll go out of beta and into the official script.

Rogues den - all that's missing is a better camera manager, banking, and non-running (searching/disarming of traps) in case there's no run energy left.

Once these are complete you'll see more emphasis on automation and goldfarming (muling), as well as more behaviour/customisation options as outlined in the previous pages of the thread. But still a long way to go.

EDIT: Trials activated enjoy, lemme know if you need more time.

Edited by Czar
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Would like to see support for master farmers other than ardougne.

And improved UI, especially for master farmers, the scroll box that's 3 name lengths high is a nightmare to deal with. Also allow use to save presets please, ESPECIALLY now that this bot stops functioning after 30 minutes, spending 5 minutes an hour just setting it up sucks.

Other than that, satisfied so far.

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Yep all scripts can be bought with osrs gp, you gotta convert the gp into osbot store credit via vouchers: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ authed you so you can try the script out in the meantime gl sir.

Rich/average chests - will check these out

Will add an option for deposit style, either individually or deposit all, should be win-win for everyone. Saving/loading presets done, will be similar to my fighter bot, everything readily available at the top file menu. As for choosing an area to pickpocket, have you tried the sticky npc mode? It lets you tap on an npc to thieve from, I'll add a new Location input to override it too.

Trials - done gl, there's a nice release pending so you get to compare versions. Enjoy!

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Will add an option for deposit style, either individually or deposit all, should be win-win for everyone. Saving/loading presets done, will be similar to my fighter bot, everything readily available at the top file menu.

Awesome dude! You're the best.



As for choosing an area to pickpocket, have you tried the sticky npc mode? It lets you tap on an npc to thieve from, I'll add a new Location input to override it too.

Yeah but as soon as it gets to banking it seems to just run towards Ardy anyway.

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@Czar Hi, Nice script! I was wondering if there is a possibility to add Banknote Exchange merchant to Blackjacking.

The script works perfectly but when you are out of food it will just idle the whole time.

When you are blackjacking you will be profiting enough to exchange banknotes for 5 GP each. 

Let me know if this is an idea :)

Thanks in advance!  

BanknoteMerchant .png


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